Products that Rocked the ADA Boat!

If you were unable to attend the Academy of Doctors of Audiology (ADA) “Rock the Boat” Convention November 3-5, 2011 in Bonita Springs, Florida, here is a quick summary of the GunSport Pro-1 and the HD-15 high-definition electronic earplugs, two of the hottest products on display at the Oaktree Products booth.  The GunSport-Pro 1 electronic earplugs manufactured by Etymotic Research allows users to hear surrounding sounds naturally, while also protecting their ears from sudden, loud impulse noises such as blasts from firearms.  The GunSport-Pro 1 is an ideal choice for gun sport enthusiasts, hunters, guides and professional shooters who want to hear naturally while protecting their hearing from sudden firearm blasts when there isn’t time to insert hearing protection.

The HD-15 electronic earplugs are ideal for individuals who are exposed to continuous loud noise from machinery, power tools, or construction equipment who need maximum protection from loud impact noises but want to experience natural hearing when no background noise is present.  The two-position switch on the faceplate allows the user to select one of two modes.  The On-Demand Hearing Protection Mode automatically delivers 15 dB protection when steady-state noise exceeds safe exposure limits while also providing maximum protection from loud impact noise.  The Enhancement Mode of the HD-15 amplifies soft and conversational sounds for improved communication while also providing maximum protection from loud impact noise.  The automatic 15 dB hearing protection is not active when the device is set to the Enhancement Mode.  These products are available through Oaktree Products and represent viable options for gun enthusiasts/hunters and patients exposed to occupational noise who want to protect their hearing while staying aware of surrounding sounds.

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Lessons from the AAA Foundation Trenches – guest post by Joscelyn Martin

Did you know that November is Philanthropy Month?  This is one of the facts I learned during my first board meeting as a Trustee of the American Academy of Audiology Foundation in October.  In fact, there was a lot I didn’t know about the Foundation and all its programs that support audiology.

The AAA Foundation is the philanthropic arm of the American Academy of Audiology, and we fund some fantastic programs for students, clinicians, and researchers. We support scholarships for students and award grants to early career researchers. We fund endowed lectureships at AudiologyNOW! that benefit audiologists in all stages of their careers.  The Marion Downs Lecture in Pediatric Audiology has been a forum for outstanding presentations since 2005, and Improving Care through Innovation in Audiology Workplace Management will debut in 2012.

You may have heard of the James Jerger Future Leaders of Audiology Conference; this  meeting offers small groups of mid-career audiologists the opportunity to learn about the history of audiology and the Academy, develop leadership skills, and get more involved in the profession. The Foundation also strives to increase awareness about audiology care as it supports National Audiology Awareness Month each October.  Are you aware that there is a Member Assistance Program to afford audiologists experiencing financial hardship the opportunity to attend AudiologyNOW!?  Did you know that the Foundation also provides student travel assistance for conferences on topics in the hearing sciences, and collaborates with state academies to provide science fair awards to high school students?

I learned that the AAA Foundation team strives to create a culture of philanthropy in audiology to support all of these programs and establish new ways to give back to the future! And I was especially surprised to learn that only 4% of Academy members donate to the Foundation.  No gift is too small (or too large) – to be honest, my first gifts were pretty small.  But every little bit helps us do more for the profession…and most importantly, for our patients with hearing and balance problems.

I still have a lot to learn, but I am already convinced that the AAA Foundation does some fabulous things to support education, awareness, and research in audiology and hearing science.  Check out a full list of programs and initiatives supported by the Foundation here:  While you’re there, make your gift…and become an audiology philanthropist yourself!

This blog post was contributed by Joscelyn Martin, Au.D., an audiologist and new Trustee of the American Academy of Audiology Foundation.  Dr. Martin is an audiology philanthropist who is a past president of the Minnesota Academy of Audiology and a participant in the 2010 James Jerger Future Leaders of Audiology Conference.   On behalf of the AAA Foundation Board, Joscelyn thanks A.U. Bankaitis, former Foundation Trustee and generous Audiology Philanthropist, for giving us this forum to share about all the programs supported by our Foundation.

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Swiss Army Knife for Hearing Aids

Many hearing instrument wearers use multiple tools to clean their hearing instruments including loops, brushes, and picks.  These instruments are usually very small and, at times, difficult to effectively handle by some patients. The perfect solution is the Acu-Life Hearing Aid Cleaning Kit.  This 5-in-1 tool system consists of the necessary tools to quickly clean and maintain hearing instruments and includes a wax removal brush, wax removal pick, battery replacement magnet, tube and vent cleaner, and a battery door opener.  The five tools are built into a lightweight comfortable handle that not only keeps everything in one place, but helps with dexterity.  In addition, the Acu-Life Hearing Aid Cleaning Kit has a spare battery container. This is a very handy tool for both the dispensing clinic and for the hearing instrument user.  Contact Oaktree Products at 800.347.1960 and ask for customer service for more information.

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RED OAKtober!!

OAKtober serves as the official month of Oaktree Products during which time the premiere employee-appreciation event referred to as OAKtoberfest takes place.  While the official company color of Oaktree Products is green, this OAKtober, the employees of Oaktree Products, including the precious Sassy B. Kemp, are all RED in honor of the St. Louis Cardinals’ unexpected albeit much deserved ticket to the 2011 World Series!

The employees of Oaktree Products truly make this a great place to work and the tip of the Oaktree Products cap goes to all of them!  Pictured from left to right in the photo to the left are Alison, Barb, Margaret (Bob Kemp’s mom!) and Michael.  Alison and Michael work in Marketing, Barb is our buyer, and Miss Margaret works hard in assembly. To the right is Nick who works in assembly with Miss Margaret and, as clearly shown in the picture, always has a smile on his face! He is the biggest St. Louis Cardinals Fan in the Universe and married to Julie in Customer Service.  Speaking of customer service, to the left we have most of the customer service team including (left to right) Dana, Mary Ellen, Maggie, Anne, and Barb, our receptionist who remains busy answering and directing incoming phone calls all day long.

We have a great group of guys working their tails off in the warehouse, receiving product inventory as well as making sure orders are picked, packed and shipped as quickly as possible.  From left to right we have Phil (Philly-Cream-Cheese as I call him), Lance, Mike, Mike, and Mike.  Yes, if your name is Mike, you can work at Oaktree Products too!  Tari, shown left, is in Returns and Repairs and is married to Philly-Cream-Cheese.  And what would Oaktree Products be without the longest employed, full-time employee in Sweet Carolyn of Purchasing, also known as “CC” (shown right).

We also have Nancy (aka “Steiny”) wearing Cardinals red and Sue in Cardinals blue, both who stay busy in accounting and finance.  Sue is also the official keeper of the company candy jar located in her office and that by itself is a full-time job since we love our candy over here at Oaktree Products!

Last, but certainly not least, we have owners Bob and Margy Kemp, the King and Queen of Oaktree Products who treat their employees like royalty.  I feel extremely fortunate to be a member of the Oaktree Products family and appreciate the opportunity to come to work every day where I can apply my creativity and use my technical knowledge and skills in an effort to make positive contributions to a great company.  Thank you to everyone at Oaktree Products for all you do, every day and have a happy OAKtober!!!!!!!!!

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Channel Oaktree Products on YouTube!

Looking for short videos that demonstrate new products that may be perfect for your hearing aid wearing patients?  Need a quick tutorial on some key aspects of cerumen removal but can only spare a minute or so? Want to actually see the difference between two products to fully appreciate how they differ from one another? If these thoughts ever come across your mind, be sure to check out and/or subscribe to the Oaktree Products YouTube channel!

This past summer, Oaktree Products was busy pulling together information to create a video resource library, providing audiologists, hearing instrument specialists, students, and/or patietns with access to educational in the form of Talking PowerPoints and QuickFlicks.  The Oaktree Products video resource library currently has three talking power points and ten QuickFlicks on various topics, all produced and narrated by “Dave-the-Wave” Kemp, our summer marketing intern.  Since each segment is about a minute or so, the Oaktree Products YouTube Channel provides clinicians the ability to quickly obtain information and news.  Viewers may subscribe to the Oaktree Products YouTube Channel by selecting the yellow “SUBSCRIBE” box located in the tool bar at the top of the screen.  Subscribers will be the first to learn of newly uploaded videos.  Be resourceful and be sure to check out Oaktree Products YouTube today!

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To Bundle or Not to Bundle? – guest post by Debbie Abel

One of the hottest topics in the current coding and reimbursement arena is whether to bundle or unbundle hearing aid and/or assistive listening device services. When services are bundled, the price of the hearing aid(s) as well as the fees to deliver and provide follow-up services for the device(s) are combined into one inclusive fee. When fees are itemized or unbundled, the price of the hearing aid(s) as well as the fees to deliver the hearing aid(s) are billed and itemized separately.  Incidentally, when the hearing aid claim is filed to a third-party payor, reimbursement is more likely to be captured when services are itemized, however, many practitioners feel itemized services may result in patients not returning to their office for the necessary follow-up care. Interestingly, the Hearing Loss Association of America, in their April 2011 Support HLAA’s Campaign to Make Hearing Aids Affordable initiative, “believes unbundled hearing aids along with cost transparency is the model that most benefits consumers with hearing loss”.

In 2010, the American Academy of Audiology conducted a member survey, querying members about their hearing aid billing practices. The survey revealed that 39% of audiologists provided professional services into the price of a hearing aid and 34%  included professional services for the duration of the warranty period only. Coincidentally, there are increasing numbers of third-party insurance plans which are including hearing aids as a “benefit.” How those payors categorize hearing aids determines your reimbursement as well as the patient’s personal fiscal responsibility; itemizing all of your fees is more likely to result in third-party payor reimbursement for the price of the device and related professional fees.

There are a variety of resources available to audiologists on this topic. For example, unbundling was the inaugural topic for last month’s American Academy of Audiology’s Coding and Reimbursement series, featuring co-presenter Stephanie Sjoblad, Au.D, who for the last two years, has discussed this topic in detail at AudiologyNOW! Members of the Academy can view Dr. Sjoblad’s Unbundling and Itemized Hearing Aid Services seminar via the Academy’s eAudiology continuing education center.  To assist in billing efforts, Academy members may also access a new Audiology Superbill Template, a form listing all the HCPCS codes utilized for hearing aids, supplies, and some procedures provided by the American Academy of Audiology. If you are not an Academy member, the HCPCS codes may be accessed from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services website by selecting 2011 Alpha-Numeric HCPCS File that is available for download. Also, be sure to check out the Frequently Asked Questions about coding on the Academy’s website for general billing information related to various audiology procedures.

This blog post was contributed by Dr. Debbie Abel, an audiologist and Director of Reimbursement and Practice Compliance for the American Academy of Audiology. She is  past Chair of the Academy’s Coding and Reimbursement Committee and past member of the AAA Governmental Affairs Committee, the AAA Ethical Practices Board, past President of the Ohio Academy of Audiology, and past Chair and Vice Chair of the Ohio Board of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology.   For more information and answers to your questions about coding and reimbursement, please contact Dr. Abel at

Posted in Audiology, Guest Blog Posts | Tagged , , , , | 5 Comments

Oaktree Products Marking 20th Year!

It is that time of year at Oaktree Products when the company starts production on the next year’s catalog. What makes this year’s task particularly special is the fact that this September marked the beginning of the company’s 20th year of business! Founded in 1992 and initially headquartered in the basement of Bob and Margy Kemp’s home in Chesterfield, MO,  the company has certainly grown and matured, as evidenced by the progression of Oaktree Products’ catalog covers.

The first company catalog (shown right) issued in 1992 was black and white with the cover mainly highlighting Oaktree Products’ flagship brand Audiologist’s Choice. Since the product offering included about twenty products, the “catalog” was essentially a two page brochure. Sparing no expense for the follow-up catalog, the next Oaktree Products catalog was essentially a replica of the first cover (shown left) with some “fancy” cutting and pasting (pre-Photoshop) of the original photo of Audiologist’s Choice products and the inclusion of a company logo in color.

The first full color catalog made an appearance in the year 2000 in the form of a robust red cover (shown right). From there, covers of Oaktree Products’ catalogs donned colors ranging from black, cobalt blue, orange/brown, pink/purple, a striking magenta, along with several covers in different shades of green. More importantly, each catalog has progressively grown in terms of product offerings, from a two page brochure of twenty products to an extensive product offering of nearly 3700 products on 125 pages!  We are looking forward to finishing and distributing the 2012 Oaktree Products Catalog in January of next year.  Thank you for your business!

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Disposable Audiology Supplies: Bringing It All Together!

NOTE: this post originally was published in September 21, 2011.  As of August 1, 2014, the Disposable Audiology Supplies Brochure mentioned in this post is no longer in print although Customer Service at Oaktree Products can provide you with product information.  Call toll free 800.347.1960.

trash-can-image1As part of an infection control program, some clinics may make the decision to invest in disposable audiology supplies rather than relying on the use of reusable items.  Designed for one-time use, disposable materials eliminate the need for investing time and money toward  cleaning, disinfecting and sterilizing products and/or equipment associated with reusable items.  Disposables certainly offer clinicians convenience although trying to find suitable disposable supplies is harder than one may think! In response to this growing need, Oaktree Products created a Disposable Audiology Supplies brochure to help busy audiologists quickly orient themselves to and locate a wide offering of disposable products for their clinical practices.

The Disposable Audiology Supplies brochure (item #DAB) is an eight-page color brochure that lists products according to one of three general categories: 1) Diagnostic Tools & Supplies, 2) Fitting Tools & Supplies, and 3) Cerumen Management.  Beyond otoscope specula, headphone covers, and foam or cloth electrodes, the Diagnostic Tools & Supplies section provides a comprehensive list of immittance, OAE and insert eartips including  generic eartips in various sizes in addition to manufacturer-specific eartips for Grason Stadler, Madsen Otometrics, Biologic and Interacoustics brand instruments. The Fitting Tools & Supplies section outlines disposable tools and supplies for hearing instrument fittings and modifications including new disposable grinding stones in various shapes (wheel, tapered, flame, small barrel, inverted cone, large barrel) along with disposable probe tubes for Siemens, Frye, MedRx, Interacoustics, Madsen, & AudioScan units. Finally, the Cerumen Management section highlights popular disposable instruments including disposable lighted curettes, disposable lighted forceps, and newer disposable suction tubes.


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