Once again, the stats helper monkeys at WordPress.com reviewed how my blog performed in 2011 and here is the quick update. The concert hall at the Sydney Opera House holds 2,700 people. My blog was viewed approximately 30,000 times in 2011! In other words, if my blog were a concert at the Sydney Opera House, it would take about 11 sold-out performances for that many people
to see it. Blog followers came from many different parts of the globe with most visitors coming from the United States, United Kingdom, and Canada. Other followers resided in South America (Brazil, Colombia, Argentina, Ecuador, & Peru), Europe (Netherlands, France, Turkey & Germany), Australia, New Zealand, Guam, and South Africa (Egypt, Nigeria, Tanzania & Kenya). The top referring sites for 2011 include Facebook, NetworkedBlogs, WordPress, Twitter, and OEDB.ORG.
Throughout the past year, there were 73 new posts, growing the total archive of this blog to 110 posts. Recall, my blog debuted 18 months ago with the very first blog post published on July 29, 2010. At that time, I published a post twice a week, however,
based on an on-line survey conducted in May 2011, the majority of subscribers indicated that new information should be posted once a week. As of June 2011, blog posts were reduced to once a week, published every Wednesday. The most popular blog post of 2011 was Message of Hope published on November 23 with 379 hits that day alone. The blog post that generated the most comments in my Feedback Forum was Comfort Contego – HAT Worth Checking Out.
The most exciting addition to my blog was the introduction of Guest Blog Posts, a feature that started on June 15, 2011 with subsequent guest posts occurring the first Wednesday of every new month thereafter. Guest bloggers included Brian Taylor, Robert Kemp, Paul Dybala, Juliette Sterkens, Deb Abel, Joscelyn Martin, and Robert Sweetow. You can access Guest Blog Post Archives via the horizontal menu bar located at the top of the home page. This is a great resource of information from industry leaders and experts willing to share their knowledge on a wide variety of topics and a feature that will continue throughout 2012. Thank you everyone for your support and feedback!