Grason Associates recently introduced a selection of multi-size single use eartips that make it easier to find the right size probe tip for your patient’s ear the first time! Used for OAE and/or immittance testing, the flanged eartips come in four sizes with each size designed to accommodate a range of ear canal dimensions. For example, the blue eartips (item #MF003) will fit ear canal dimensions ranging from 3-8mm, green eartips (item #MF007) from 7-11mm, orange eartips (item #MF010) from 10-14mm, and red eartips (item #MF012) from 12-16mm. Since the flanged design accommodates a wider variety of ear canals, there is no longer a need to stock your clinic with a sampling of all 13 sizes of the original Grason single-use disposable eartips; rather, order the four different sizes to meet your eartip size needs. These disposable multi-size single use eartips are made of softer material for better attenuation of external noise and increased patient comfort, and will fit the same immittance and OAE instrument systems as the original Grason eartips. For more information on these products, contact Oaktree Products of St. Louis, MO at 800.347.1960 or
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I am not fluent yet in spanish but yes, you can purchase lighted ear curettes (bionix) from Oaktree Products. If you have an account, contact me at and we can set you up to order via our website via