For audiologists in clinical or private practice, available resources addressing various aspects of audiology are readily available and accessible via the Better Hearing Institute’s (BHI) website. The BHI is a not-for-profit corporation dedicated to educating the public about hearing loss. They have a wonderful website that is full of valuable information on hearing loss, hearing loss treatment and prevention, tinnitus, and other hearing loss resources.
Recently, the BHI developed a new section on their website specifically for hearing health care professionals on best practices. This section hyperlinks you to several useful documents including AAA‘s Task Force document Guidelines for the Audiologic Management of Adult Hearing Impaired, ASHA’s Guideline for Hearing Aid Fitting for Adults, as well as a hearing aid fitting checklist created by Dr. Michael Valente, Director of Adult Audiology at the Washington University School of Medicine. To download a copy of Dr. Valente’s hearing aid fitting checklist, access the BHI’s professional tools page, scroll down to the best practices section, and then click on the link.
While perusing the BHI website, be sure to check out the numerous BHI blogs including the hearing loss blog, technology corner blog, pediatric blog, and tinnitus blog. These same blogs appear on my blogroll located in the right hand margin of this
page. Subscribing to these blogs is not only easy for audiologists, but for patients that want to stay informed. You can also follow BHI on Twitter. Regardless of what you choose, be sure to check out the BHI website as it is a valuable resource for audiologists and patients.
I am really appericiate your post, this would really provide the great information .Thanks for sharing
Hearing Aids
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