More Favorable Patient Ratings When Provider Wears This

Patients perceive a more favorable rapport with providers, reporting the ability to better understand, engage, and connect with their provider when the provider chooses to wear a transparent mask over a solid face mask.1,2 Transparent masks offer adults with normal hearing and adults with varying degrees of hearing loss the benefit of improved speech understanding in noise compared to solid masks.3,4 One of the many lessons learned from COVID-19 is a heighted awareness of the role transparent face masks play in helping cultivate a positive patient experience. As the CDC continues to emphasize the need for health care providers and staff to wear masks, now is the time to stock up on these critical supplies.

For the next three days only (through July 31, 2021), save 20% on every box of ClearMasks purchased from Oaktree Products including ClearMask (item# Cm24), ClearMask Surgical (item# CM002Ez) and ClearMask KIDS (item# CM003EZ). Mention or apply coupon code CLEARMASK20 during check out. It’s Oaktree’s little way to say thank you and to keep you and your staff safe.

For more information on the benefits of transparent masks, see Benefits of Transparent Masks in the resource section of the Oaktree Products website. To place an order by phone: 800.347.1960; to place an order via email: For assistance with website login, call or email Oaktree Products to allow you to place orders online.


  1. Little P, White P, Kelly J, Everitt H, & mercer S (2015). Randomised controlled trial of a brief intervention targeting predominantly non-verbal communication in general practice consultations. British Journal of General Practice. 65(635), e351-e356. Available:
  2. Saunders GH, Jackson IR, & Visram AS (2020). Impacts of face coverings on communication: an indirect impact of COVID-19. International Journal of Audiology.  Available:
  3. Schwarze ML & Kalbfell EL (2021). Benefits of clear masks in communication with patients. Journal of the American Medical Association, 156(4), 378-379.
  4. Kratzke IM, Rosenbaum, ME, Cox C, Ollila DW, & Kapadia MR (2021). Effect of clear vs standard covered masks on communication with patients during surgical clinical encounters: a randomized clinical trial. Journal of the American Medical Association Surgery. 156(4), 372-378.

About AU Bankaitis

A.U. Bankaitis, PhD is a clinical Audiologist with extensive clinical, research, and business experience within the hearing industry. She is Vice President of Oaktree Products, a multi-line distributor of audiology supplies and screening/diagnostic test equipment. Dr. Bankaitis created this blog to educate her colleagues and providers in the hearing health care industry on viable product solutions for their patients and/or clinical practice.
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