Even if your work setting does not have a cochlear implant (CI) program, every audiologist has a responsibility to make sure patients who can benefit from CI technology actually has access to the technology. It starts with an appreciation of how much CI technology has changed in recent years, recognizing who is a candidate, and appreciating how this solution offering can be integrated within your current practice. This year at AAA 2020 in New Orleans, attendees can learn what they need to know to feel more comfortable recommending CI to appropriate candidates and perhaps expand their practice to work directly with this technology in the following ways:
Featured Session – The Continuum of Care for Treating Hearing Loss: Incorporating Cochlear Implants Into Audiology Practice
This two-hour Featured Session (FS304) is not just for CI audiologists; it highlights what we all need to know to improve patient access to CI technology. A panel of audiologists who have successfully incorporated CI into their clinical practices will share practical tips, personal experiences, and logistical details to empower you to address CI with your patients. Mark your calendars for Friday, April 3 from 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm.
Hands-On Pavilion on Aided-Speech Recognition Testing

Learn the practical aspects of how to set up your booth for calibrated, accurate assessments, review best practices and standard batteries, and learn how to interpret and apply aided speech recognition testing to determine CI candidacy in children and adults with hands-on instruction. The Pavilion is located in HearTECH Expo (the exhibit hall) with dedicated activities scheduled during specific times on Thursday and Friday. Learn before you attend the Featured Session above. Check out the Hands-On Pavilion Schedule here. Visit BEFORE the Featured Session as this will perfectly compliment that session and get you totally ready for implementation when you return to work on Monday!
Learning Modules (LM)
One hour courses throughout the convention addressing cochlear implants and presented by our colleagues in the trenches:
LM 207 (Thursday, April 2, 2020 from 11:00 am – 12:15 pm) Demystifying the Speech-Perception Test Battery so ALL Dispensing Audiologists Can Conduct It.
LM 312 (Friday, April 3, 2020 from 8:45 am – 9:45 am) When Hearing Aids Are Not Enough: Identifying Non-Traditional Pediatric Cochlear Implant Candidates.
LM 324 (Friday, April 3, 2020 from 11:15 am – 12:15 pm) The Journey from Hearing Aids to Cochlear Implants: When to Consider Making the Switch
LM 223 (Friday, April 3 2020 from 4:45 pm – 5:45 pm) AAA Clinical Practiced Guidelines: New Guidance for 2020;
LM 404 (Saturday, April 4, 2020 from 8:00 am – 9:00 am) Adult Perceptions of Cochlear Implants: Helping Patients Understand Benefits (and Address Their Fears)