A very popular and affordable video otoscope from Firefly Global is now compatible with smart phones and tablets. It’s the new Firefly DE570 and here is what you need to know:

- compatible with iPhone 6, iPad Air 2, and iPad Mini 3 or newer
- soon-to-be compatible with Android 6.0 or newer (May 2019)
- does NOT require special smart phone case to function, making the technology compatible with all new phone models
- free mobile app records and stores ear canal and tympanic membrane images; simply download FireflyPro mobile app and launch
- images and videos can be downloaded and uploaded into NOAH or any other electronic medical records (EMR) as they are standard file types (JPG/MP4)
- built-in WIFI within the otoscope eliminates need for wireless transmitter and enabling the device to function anywhere, offering unlimited portability and access
- perfect tool for telemedicine, health fares, and satellite offices

I played around with the DE570 for the first time yesterday. Love it. To be completely transparent, my top video otoscopes include the wired and wireless Firefly. If you are not a huge fan of those, not sure you will be sold on this new version although it’s important to recognize the application of the DE570 is different than the wired or wireless Firefly. Unlike the original Firefly video otoscopes, the DE570 is not designed to connect with the camera technology of a laptop. Plugging it into a laptop will only charge the camera; to capture images, the DE570 must operate from the mobile app.

Compared to the CellScope, I prefer the Firefly DE570. First, the image resolution is better. Second, the Firefly video otoscope is independent of the mobile phone whereas the CellScope was designed to convert the mobile device into a video otoscope via a special mobile phone case for direct speculum attachment. The mobile-phone form factor makes the act of performing otoscopy awkward. The primary reason I prefer the Firefly is because it does not require a custom case to operate. This is a HUGE deal because the Firefly DE570 will be compatible with all new phone models moving forward whereas the CellScope is not. CellScope technology is limited by whatever compatible smart phone case is available. CellScope case has not been updated since the iPhone 6s and, therefore, does not currently support technology beyond the iPhone 6s (or with tablets). While the Firefly DE570 costs more (less than $500) than the CellScope ($300), the features and benefits outweigh any cost savings.

When I initially launched the FireflyPro Mobile app, a message appeared on my iPhone indicating “Firefly Device Not Detected”. Honestly, I am not one to read directions so was momentarily confused and decided to close the app to reconnect (which the Quick Tips section of packaging insert clearly states). That took care of the error message. From my experience, the Firefly DE570 is easy to use while offering the benefit of portability and access without requiring a laptop computer. I have not used my iPad in quite some time; I don’t even know where it is but the Firefly DE570 has inspired me to find it. This video otoscope is one of my favorite new things! For more information and your pricing, contact Oaktree Products 800.347.1960 and ask for customer service. If you prefer, email Oaktree Products at otp@oaktreeproducts.com.