As business resumes, demand for key infection control products outpaces supply. While many are looking for the same things, the majority only need one or two particular items. Rather than offering an infection control kit at this time, Oaktree Products created temporary waitlist item numbers as a stop-gap to get you what your individual practice currently needs as quickly as possible. Here’s how it works:

Given current supply unpredictability, use our available GLOVE WAITLIST item numbers when placing glove orders. As we receive ANY gloves, whether latex, vinyl or nitrile, we will ship whatever arrives first, in the size indicated, as quickly as possible. Keep in mind, when a gloved hand touches a surface, it may become contaminated and cross-contaminate anything else it contacts. Refrain from adjusting masks or face shields with gloved hands1 and remember that the use of gloves alone is not a substitute for hand hygiene.2

If you are in need of cloth or clear masks, the CDC has stated when no masks are available, a face shield (without also wearing a mask) is an option.3 Currently, face shields are easier to keep in stock. The quickest way to get masks from Oaktree Products is to use available CLOTH MASK WAITLIST and/or CLEAR MASK WAITLIST item numbers. As we receive ANY cloth masks, we will ship whatever brand arrives first as quickly as possible. Similarly, as we receive any clear masks, we will ship whatever brand arrives first as quickly as possible.
Since the release of the EPA’s List N of qualified disinfectants,4 the CDC announced ANY EPA-registered, hospital-grade disinfectant is appropriate for use against COVID-19 in the healthcare setting.5 For your convenience, the Oaktree Products website provides an updated list of qualified disinfectants we sell that meet these guidelines.

As the supply of qualified disinfectants in the form of wipes in a canister remain unstable, the fastest way to get disinfectant wipes from Oaktree Products is to use the WIPES-WAITLIST item number. As we receive ANY qualified disinfectant wipe, we will ship whatever arrives first as quickly as possible. Another option is to ask for any in-stock qualified disinfectant sprays as these products are currently more readily available.
During these unprecedented supply shortages, Oaktree Products is working hard to source and acquire stock of critical products, and get it to you as quickly as possible without bundling it in a one-size-must-fit-all infection control kit. So, for now, order the critical items you still need using our WAITLIST item numbers and skip the kit.
Check out the IN STOCK IC & PPE of the Oaktree Products website for updates on available stock; for the most accurate status, contact us at 800.347.1960 and ask for customer service.
- CDC. Using Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Updated April 3, 2020. Available:
- CDC. Strategies for Optimizing the Supply of Disposable Medical Gloves. Updated April 30, 2020. Available:
- CDC. Strategies for Optimizing the Supply of Facemaks. Published online March 17, 2020. Available:
- EPA. List N: Disinfectants For Use Against SARS-CoV-2. Accessed April 10, 2020. Available:
- CDC. Interim Infection Prevention and Control Recommendations for Patients with Suspected or Confirmed Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Healthcare Settings. Updated April 13, 2020. Available:
Can this be worn with a head lamp?
depends what kind of a loupe or headlamp you have. Sport loupes, yes. Headlamp, not sure what the configuration is so it depends