Where are YOU turning to during these disruptive times?

The hearing industry landscape has drastically changed over the past several years, particularly for the independent private practice owner.  Access to hearing aids has become ubiquitous; in addition to the internet, consumers can go to Costco, SAMs Club, CVS, and Walgreens to purchase hearing aids (or PSAPs).  With the recent passage of the Over-the-Counter (OTC) hearing aid act, I hear or read comments posted by colleagues about how this disruption has forced practices to re-group and think about how to strategically respond in a way that is in the best interest of their clinical practice.

While I no longer provide direct patient care, I interact with audiologists and hearing instrument specialists on a daily basis, offering clinical and business solutions in the form of products and/or information. Given all the recent disruption, as an employee of a multi-line distributor of audiology supplies, I started to wonder whether the durable and/or disposable supply business has also been disrupted in a way that hasn’t yet become apparent. Specifically, I am curious to find out where audiologists, audiology assistants, and hearing instrument specialists purchase their clinical supplies (e.g. audiology supply company and/or Amazon?) and why they rely on these sources for their supply needs.

If you are an audiologists, audiology assistant or hearing instrument specialists, take 5 minutes to complete a survey I created to answer some of my questions. My hope is to gain some insights as to where YOU and/or your primary place of employment are turning to for your clinical supply needs. Your answers will remain anonymous. Click the following link to provide your honest feedback: SURVEY

About AU Bankaitis

A.U. Bankaitis, PhD is a clinical Audiologist with extensive clinical, research, and business experience within the hearing industry. Dr. Bankaitis created this blog to educate her colleagues on viable product solutions for their patients and/or clinical practice.
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