New TrueDio Ears: Peace-of-mind Quality & Price!

No-Big-Deal-T-shirtWith the variety of TV Listening products currently on the market, what is the big deal about the availability of a new TV Listening Device? What is it that will make you pay close attention? The honest answer to either question is “Nothingunless, of course, the product provides some unique feature and/or benefit. The new TrueDio Ears Wireless TV Headset System offers both so if you are committed to providing your patients the best in terms of quality and value, keep reading.

TD-110The TrueDio Ears Wireless TV Headset System is an infrared (IR) device operating on the 2.3 MHz transmission frequency (see previous post addressing IR vs RF). Like other comparable products, TrueDio Ears is equipped with volume, tone, and balance controls and provides up to 12 hours of operating time. Unlike comparable products, the headset of the TrueDio Ears System is equipped with a port designed to accommodate a plug-in-microphone accessory (included in packaging), allowing the user to hear conversations of those speaking into the microphone. This unique feature offers communication flexibility whereby the end user can be alerted to necessary conversations while mainly watching TV.  In addition, the TrueDio Ears headset may be used as a personal listening device even when the TV is off.

the-price-point-paradoxAnother benefit offered by the TrueDio Ears Wireless TV Headset system that cannot be overstated is the product price point along with the commitment by the manufacturer to enforce uniform MSRP, including those selling the product via the Internet. Pricing discrepancies inherent to other TV Listening Devices has generated a lot of consumer confusion and genuine frustration because identical devices always seem to be offered at different prices by the actual manufacturer across different channels!  This puts the audiologist in a very awkward position whereby a viable communication solution offered to a patient at an affordable price is completely undermined when the patient later discovers (unbeknownst to the professional) that very same product is offered by the manufacturer on the Internet at a price lower than what the audiologist can buy it for! Ridiculous! By peaceofmindquotesoffering  the TrueDio Ears System to your patients, not only are you providing a high-quality TV Listening Device at a great price, both you and your patient will know that this product will be offered at the same MSRP even on the Internet.  This provides both parties the necessary peace of mind to confidently move forward in considering and investing in the TrueDio Ears as a viable and affordable communication solution. For more information, please contact customer service at Oaktree Products (800.347.1960) or email the company at

About AU Bankaitis

A.U. Bankaitis, PhD is a clinical Audiologist with extensive clinical, research, and business experience within the hearing industry. Dr. Bankaitis created this blog to educate her colleagues on viable product solutions for their patients and/or clinical practice.
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