When you think about removing cerumen, does your heart beat a little faster? Do you get a little nervous? Have you ever wished you could perform the procedure with a big fat smile on your face? If you answered yes to any of these questions and plan to attend AudiologyNOW 2015 in San Antonio, sign up for the Wednesday, March 25th morning learning lab How to Take the Fear Out of Cerumen Management (and Smile While Doing It) from 8:30 am – 12:15 pm.
A panel of five experienced Audiologists will present critical aspects of cerumen removal technique and practice management. Dennis Van Vliet, Au.D. of Starkey Hearing Technologies will review licensure laws and recent regulatory activity related to cerumen removal. Pertinent ear canal anatomy with emphasis on related disorders will be addressed by Robert M. DiSogra, Au.D., owner of Audiology Associates of Freehold. Strategy and step-by-step cerumen removal techniques will be taught by A.U. Bankaitis, Ph.D. of Oaktree Products. An in-depth review of pre-recorded cerumen removal footage demonstrating varying levels of management difficulty will be showcased by Gene McHugh, Ed.D., owner of Colorado Springs Audiology. Finally, the American Academy of Audiology’s own Deborah Abel, Au.D. will take the fear and confusion out of billing and coding for cerumen management.
Planning to attend? Make sure you bring your otoscope as attendees will need it to determine breadth of potential, individual-specific light and magnification sources to be effectively used during removal procedures. Practice drills incorporating proper bracing techniques to-be-mastered prior to executing cerumen removal procedures will also be reviewed. The session is appropriate for clinicians with varying levels of cerumen removal experience but in particular to those who have yet to gain experience in this procedure. As a pre-convention session, attendees will also be able to benefit from visiting
the Oaktree Products booth at Audiology Solutions (booth 352) during AudiologyNOW exhibit hours for hands-on exposure to various otoscopes, headlamps, loupes, and other cerumen removal equipment. For more information on this course or AudiologyNOW, refer to the American Academy of Audiology’s 2015 AudiologyNOW program. We hope to see all of you in San Antonio with a smile!