The Pro-Power Vacuum Aspirator is a suction pump designed for both cleaning debris from hearing instruments and cerumen removal from the external auditory canal. Since product packaging only includes special tools for cleaning hearing instruments, it may not be immediately evident how to set up the Pro-Power Vacuum Aspirator for cerumen removal. This post will outline the necessary steps for utilizing this suction pump specifically for cerumen removal from the external auditory canal.
As with many suction pumps, the Pro-Power Vacuum Aspirator does not come packaged with the necessary suction tube for cerumen removal. It will be necessary to order a suction tube (i.e. Frazier suction tube) separately. There are a variety of suction tubes available; from clinical experience, a size 8 French Frazier suction tube works well for cerumen removal.
Assembly of the Pro-Power Vacuum Aspirator is relatively straightforward although the packaging contents does not include the best instructions regarding assembly. The most critical step is ensuring that the tubing packaged with the suction pump is attached correctly to the top of the suction canister. Two pieces of tubing (shown above) are packaged with the Pro-Power Vacuum Aspirator: 1) a shorter piece of tubing (5″) with a pre-attached filter and 2) a long piece (40″) of tubing. The longer portion of the tubing with the pre-attached filter connects to the VACUUM/OUT port located on the top of the suction canister while the shorter portion of that same tubing connects to the base of the aspirator. Next, the long piece
of tubing with the clear end connects to the PATIENT/IN port located on the top of the suction canister. Finally, the Frazier suction tube, with the reamer removed, connects to the black end of the long piece of tubing. Your are now ready to use the Pro-Power Vacuum Aspirator for cerumen removal!
For the long tube, would the opaque color one work for cerumen removal rather than the clear one? I am currently setting it up for the practice.
I would recommend the stainless steel Frazier suction tube (runs about 40 bucks), size 8 for adults. that is what I feel works best. The accessories that come with this are intended for cleaning hearing instruments. For cerumen removal, there is a need to invest in additional accessory and the stainless steel Frazier suction tube is best. Hope this helps.
Thanks! We got the Frazier size 8 suction 🙂
glad to hear you love the Pro-Power! I was initially skeptical when I first saw it because it is relatively light and started making assumptions that perhpas the quality wasn’t that good but this machine is great! I am so happy you have one in each office!
We purchased 2 and love them. One at each office. They have now offered us the ability to remove cerumen without pain and without the need to refer for an ENT. The convenience to a patient, to have this taken care of on the same trip, is invaluable!.
Also, there is a nice financial benefit of revenue generated.
Rich Reikowski, Au.D
catalog cost of the pro-power is $319 which is considerably less than the Gast ($497) or Gomco ($899). Keep in mind, if you don’t have a suction tube, frazier suction tubes run $39 each (size 8 best for adults).
Nice post. What is the cost AU?