Happy Founder’s Day!

founderdayAs an audiologist, today serves as a special day in my professional life.  Twenty-five years ago today, Dr. James Jerger and 31 other audiologists met in Houston, TX  to discuss the need for a national organization of, by and for audiologists.  It was during that meeting that the American Academy of Audiology (AAA) was conceptualized and founded on January 30th, 1988.  In 2008, the AAA’s Board declared  January 30th as  Founder’s Day to honor these visionary audiologists and to commemorate the establishment of the Academy.

Below is a list of AAA Founders; unfortunately, some are no longer with us. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the Founders and when you have a chance, say thank you to as many of these individuals as you can either via email, a personal thank you while at AudiologyNow! in Anaheim, or by sending a thank you card. Consider donating $25 to either the Political Action Committee (PAC) or to the Academy’s Foundation as an additional gesture of appreciation.  Supporting the Academy these visionaries created is a sweet way to say thank you!

FoundersFounders of the American Academy of Audiology (*deceased)

James Jerger, Lucille Beck, Fred Bess, Tomi Browne, David Citron,  J. Michael Dennis, Leo Doerfler*, David Goldstein, James “Jay” Hall, III, Maureen Hannley, Robert Harrison*, Linda Hood, John Jacobson, Susan Jerger, Robert Keith, Paul Kileny, Vernon Larson, H. Gus Mueller, Frank Musiek, Jerry Northern, Wayne Olsen, George Osborne*, Anita Pikus*, Ross Roeser, Roger Ruth*, Daniel Schwartz, Brad Stach, Lazlo Stein*, Roy Sullivan, Richard Talbott, Laura Wilber, and Don Worthington.

About AU Bankaitis

A.U. Bankaitis, PhD is a clinical Audiologist with extensive clinical, research, and business experience within the hearing industry. She is Vice President of Oaktree Products, a multi-line distributor of audiology supplies and screening/diagnostic test equipment. Dr. Bankaitis created this blog to educate her colleagues and providers in the hearing health care industry on viable product solutions for their patients and/or clinical practice.
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4 Responses to Happy Founder’s Day!

  1. Don W. Worthington says:

    Thank you for taking the time to recognize a group of us who participated in the formation of the AAA. This group were not only a group of visionaries, but were and are also good friends. Everyone of this group would give you the shirt off of their own back if needed.

    • aubankaitis says:

      Dr Worthington:
      Thank you so much for your feedback. As an audiologist and employee of a distributor catering to audiologist, we spent today’s company meeting talking about the 1988 meeting and the significance it has played to the field of audiology as well as to our business. THe word RADICAL came up because the 32 of you decided that it may be beneficial and necessary to break away from an established organization that was already 100,000 strong to create a national organization of, by and for audiologists with NO guarantee that the concept would ever stick. Sorry for being frank but that took a lot of balls which is what we talked about today during the Oaktree Products morning company meeting. We all thank you. As an audiologist, I thank you so much.

      • Jerry Northern says:

        Very thoughtful of you, AU, to recognize the founding of the American Academy of Audiology and the brave (?) group of friends who met in Houston and agreed to establish a new professional home for audiologists. I recall speaking to colleagues in those early years prior to 1988 about how much fun it would have to just have a meeting of audiologists – but no one ever thought it would really happen. And, of course, as we all left Houston that notorious weekend, we were not really sure that our new organization would catch on.. But now, looking back, it was really a turning point for our profession, and I’m very proud to have been a small part of that birthing…

        Jerry Northern

        • aubankaitis says:

          I have never known my profession without AAA and can’t imagine it without this organization. I think I speak for all of my +1200 audiology blog followers when I say you should be very proud. Thank you. au

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