Every hearing instrument wearer benefits from a dehumidifier yet not everyone necessarily needs a heavy-duty version to do a sufficient job. The new, compact, and economically priced DryDome from the makers of Dry & Store is the perfect option for proactively extending the life of hearing instruments through daily moisture control. In one simple touch of the button, the unit produces gentle convection heat (113º F) and automatically shuts off after a continuous 8-hour cycle. In addition, no desiccant is required offering your patients a minimum-fuss means to take care of their investment. Better yet, Oaktree Products offers a custom printing option for your DryDome (minimum quantity order of 10 required) using UV ink that will not wear off. The imprint size is relatively small (1″W and 1/2″H) so a logo with relatively limited text is ideal. For more information on this product, contact customer service toll-free at 800.347.1960 or send them an email at otp@oaktreeproducts.com.