Idea share worth a thousand words!

Captel 800i Captioned Phone

NOTE: since this blog post was published, the Serene HD-1000 Digital Voice Simulator has been discontinued by the manufacturer and is no longer available. Unfortunately, there is not comparable replacement at this time.

Based on a recent conversation someone at OTP had with a customer, I wanted to pass this idea along. Demonstrate the value of captioned telephone technology with very little effort. Connect a Hamilton CapTel 800i Captioned Telephone to a Serene HD-1000 Digital Voice Simulator; when patients pick up the receiver of the CapTel, they will hear a pre-recorded message generated by the HD-1000. By pressing any number on the CapTel phone pad, captioning will be activated, allowing patients to now see what the recorded message is saying on the CapTel screen. NOTE: the CapTel will require an internet connection. All of this without needing to explain how the telephone works. This experience is worth a thousand words!!!!  For more ideas on how to effectively integrate ALDs into your clinical practice, check out the free-to-view webinar presented by A.U. Bankaitis from the E-Learning Library of Audiology Online (course #9606).

About AU Bankaitis

A.U. Bankaitis, PhD is a clinical Audiologist with extensive clinical, research, and business experience within the hearing industry. Dr. Bankaitis created this blog to educate her colleagues on viable product solutions for their patients and/or clinical practice.
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2 Responses to Idea share worth a thousand words!

  1. Carolyn says:

    Very cool blog! Looking forward to learning a thing or two – thanks!

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