Imagine a Little Colt in Your Clinic….

imagine-auImagine your  two-channel clinical audiometer built into an Android Tablet, providing you with the ability to lift the tablet from the platform and, using Bluetooth technology, perform audiometric testing from a more convenient location.  Imagine administering recorded speech testing without the need for an external CD/MP3 player. Imagine not having to be tied down in front of your audiometer or computer to perform audiometric testing. If this sounds like something that is up your alley, take a look at the new FONIX COLT Audiometer from Frye Electronics available through Oaktree Products.

The FONIX COLT Audiometer is a two-channel audiometer capable of performing pure tone air conduction and bone conduction audiometry, soundfield testing, and speech audiometry via live voice or utilizing pre-loaded, recorded speech test materials (spondee, NU-6, Maryland CNC wordlists).  Additional recorded tests built into the system include the QuickSIN for assessing hearing in noise abilities and the Acceptable Noise Level colt-std(ANL) test to measure the amount of background noise an individual will tolerate to help predict who will be successful with hearing instruments.  Several models of the FONIX COLT audiometer are available based on the preferred air conduction transducer: 1) TDH-39 headphone (item# COLT-STD), 2) ER3A insert earphones (item# COLT-INSERT), and 3) TDF-39 headphones and ER3A insert earphone (item# COLT-DUAL).

The FONIX-COLT combines easy-to-use controls and layout of a traditional clinical audiometer with the advanced flexibility of a computer-based audiometer.  Test settings and presentations levels may be manually selected with traditional dials and switches, or via touch screen controls using the fingertips or stylus pen (included). It comes Oaktree Logo - Circlepackaged with a USB connector for connection to an external PC running the FONIX NOAH Audiometer Module to allow collection of test results from the COLT’s tablet, to print test results, store data, and, if desired, to display information on a larger external video monitor for patient viewing. All of this is packaged in a unit that weighs less than four pounds and approximately the size of a standard sheet of paper (11.3″ x 11.5″ x 4.2″ or 28.7cm x 29.2cm x 10.7cm). For more information, contact customer service at Oaktree Products toll free 800.347.1960.





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Spotlight Post – How to Take the Fear Out of Cerumen Management

smileWhen you think about removing cerumen, does your heart beat a little faster? Do you get a little nervous? Have you ever wished you could perform the procedure with a big fat smile on your face? If you answered yes to any of these questions and plan to attend AudiologyNOW 2015 in San Antonio, sign up for the Wednesday, March 25th morning learning lab How to Take the Fear Out of Cerumen Management (and Smile While Doing It)  from 8:30 am – 12:15 pm.

cm-bankaitisA panel of five experienced Audiologists will present critical aspects of cerumen removal technique and practice management. Dennis Van Vliet, Au.D. of Starkey Hearing Technologies will review licensure laws and recent regulatory activity related to cerumen removal. Pertinent ear canal anatomy with emphasis on related disorders will be addressed by Robert M. DiSogra, Au.D., owner of Audiology Associates of Freehold. Strategy and step-by-step cerumen removal techniques will be taught by A.U. Bankaitis, Ph.D. of Oaktree Products. An in-depth review of pre-recorded cerumen removal footage demonstrating varying levels of management difficulty will be showcased by Gene McHugh, Ed.D., owner of Colorado Springs Audiology.  Finally, the American Academy of Audiology’s own Deborah Abel, Au.D. will take the fear and confusion out of billing and coding for cerumen management.

21700Planning to attend? Make sure you bring your otoscope as attendees will need it to determine breadth of potential, individual-specific light and magnification sources to be effectively used during removal procedures.  Practice drills incorporating proper bracing techniques to-be-mastered prior to executing cerumen removal procedures will also be reviewed. The session is appropriate for clinicians with varying levels of cerumen removal experience but in particular to those who have yet to gain experience in this procedure. As a pre-convention session, attendees will also be able to benefit from visiting OTP-AN2015 Prop 1the Oaktree Products booth at Audiology Solutions (booth 352) during AudiologyNOW exhibit hours for hands-on exposure to various otoscopes, headlamps, loupes, and other cerumen removal equipment. For more information on this course or AudiologyNOW, refer to the American Academy of Audiology’s 2015 AudiologyNOW program.  We hope to see all of you in San Antonio with a smile!


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Help Patients Get a Grip on their Hearing Aids

SLC-1We all have a few hearing instrument wearing patients who could use a little assistance with hearing instrument insertion. The Gator Grip is a new hearing aid insertion tool that makes it easier and faster for BTE, RIC, and open fit users to properly insert their hearing instruments into the ear. In addition, the Gator Grip can be used to hold the hearing aid receiver during cleaning procedures. The product is designed to securely grip the hearing instrument without damaging it, making it ideal for individuals with dexterity issues. A powerful magnet located on the end of the handle also helps with battery insertion and removal. The handle itself is hallowed and can be used to store  cleaning accessories by simply removing the cap. The Gator Grip (item# SLC-1) comes packaged with a long handle (5″ in length), a travel-sized short handle (3.75″ in length) with a black carrying pouch and instructions for use.  The long handle Gator Grip with black carrying pouch (item# LMB-1) may also be purchased separately. To order, contact customer service at Oaktree Products toll free 800.34.1960.

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Free Manual or Touch-Free Purell Dispensers

free-stuffIf you are an audiologist, audiology assistant, hearing instrument specialist, or student, you are required to perform hand hygiene routinely throughout the day in the clinical environment.  There are instances where access to a sink with running water may not be readily available or easily accessible. To help meet hand hygiene compliance, it makes sense to install hand sanitizer dispensers throughout the clinical environment.

purellCurrently, when you purchase two sanitizer refills, Oaktree Products will provide you with a free wall mount dispenser. The dispensers are economical, dispensing a third less waste per pump. Available in manual or touch-free models, both come with a lifetime guarantee.  If you are interested in the touch-free dispenser (item# 1928-04), simply purchase at least two refills of either the 1200ml gel (item# 1903-02) or 700ml foam (item# 1305-03). For the free manual dispenser (item# 8828-06), order the manual refills in with the 1200ml gel (item# 8803-03) or the 700ml foam (item# 8705-04). Seriously, why wouldn’t you invest in something like this? Contact customer service at Oaktree Products for more information toll free 800.347.1960.

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No Time for Dwell Time?

3-minAll disinfectants are tested and labeled according to specific amount of time they must be in contact with a surface to kill specific microbes. Referred to as dwell time, the amount of time a disinfectant is to remain visibly wet must be stated on the product’s label and remains product specific. For audiologists using wipes and sprays to disinfect horizontal surfaces in between patients (i.e. counseling table, arm rest of chair in audiometric testing booth), it is important to read product labels to gauge necessary contact time to ensure surfaces are properly disinfected.  For a 3-minute germicidal wipe such as Sani-Cloth Plus, treated surfaces must remain visibly wet for a full three minutes to achieve microbial kill claims.  While three minutes isn’t that long of a time, for some really busy clinics this time frame may seem impractical.

long-waitIf you are hearing yourself say “I have no time for a 3-minute dwell time”, consider the new Clorox Healthcare Hydrogen Peroxide Cleaner Disinfectant from Oaktree Products.  Available in both towelette  or spray form, this product is only available for resale to professionals and offers the fastest non-bleach contact times for the most common pathogens in the healthcare environment.  The Clorox Healthcare Hydrogen Peroxide Cleaner Disinfectant offers 30-second to 1 minute contact times on 32 different bacteria and viruses including E. coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Vancomycin Resistant Enterococcus faecalis (VRE), Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), HIV-1, and the Hepatitis B virus.  Since the active ingredient is hydrogen peroxide, this product is suitable for hard and soft surfaces including acrylic, plastic, silicone and/or rubber.

30824The premoistened towelettes (item #30824) are packaged in a standard pop-up canister with 95 wipes per canister.  The unique design of the canister enables the product to come packaged without a seal. To open the canister, simply open and pull out the wipe from the center of the roll; the next sheet pops up automatically. When finished using, close the lid to allow the towelettes to retain moisture.  This product is also available in a 32oz pray (item #30828).  To order the Clorox Healthcare Hydrogen Peroxide Cleaner Disinfectant and all your other infection control products, contact customer service at Oaktree Products toll free  800.347.1960 or send an email to



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Are You Locked In a “Race to the Bottom?” – guest post by Brandon M. Dawson

Manufacturers are competing with each other – and you – by offering the cheapest price on technology. What’s your next move?

path-successFor years hearing aid manufacturers have been telling you that branding yourself and your expertise as the value proposition of your practice is the path to success. Today those same manufacturers are directly contradicting their own advice – offering discounts directly to consumers and undermining your value proposition. Now the supplier – whose brand you’ve been advertising in your market – is saying to the consumer: “The independent professional is overcharging you.” Some suppliers are even brazenly offering you co-op advertising dollars to support the recognition of their brand, while simultaneously looking to undercut your pricing – and, ultimately, the viability of your practice.

you-decideWhat course of action do you take in this apparent race toward the lowest price? The manufacturer will always be able to offer the cheapest price on its products. These falling prices certainly put a great deal of pressure on independent practices, but it would be a tremendous mistake to overlook the power of your position as a private practitioner: You get to decide where your focus lies. Will it be on a low-priced widget? Or will it be on something only you, an experienced, respected professional, can provide: an attentive, patient-centered, legacy practice that patients depend on?

In this respect, the vision set forth by Audigy Group in 2004 is more relevant today than ever before. Elite independent practice owners can maintain their freedom if they stand together as a collective group. And the best way for them to do this remains the same: to own their own technology brand — one that supports their hard-earned reputations as experienced providers. More than 10 years of research and evaluations of the health of private practice have shown us that not only can private practices survive in an environment of falling technology prices, but they can thrive and flourish by offering something altogether different.

As an independent hearing care provider it is your daily challenge to out message, outperform, and, above all, “out value” your competitors who are, in most cases, selling products with the same name at a variety of price thresholds. Those who have succeeded in establishing a reputation for exceptional quality care and service have typically done so with many years of dedication, hard work, and commitment to their community.

big boxBut as our research shows, independent audiology practices on average earn more than two-thirds of their revenue (and 80% of their profits) from the direct sale and support of hearing technologies. In this, hearing aid manufacturers increasingly see an opportunity: if they can eliminate the high-value providers who have built their reputations on quality and experience, and replace them with corporate retail and big box partnerships, they won’t have to expend an equivalent effort to earn patients’ trust. In essence, they are trying to buy that trust with a low price.

So far, customers have remained skeptical. The manufacturer owned retail outlets have not yet become formidable competitors since they are staffing their locations with less experienced providers. But the challenge is mounting as manufacturers have started offering 50% off any and all hearing aids, and are even offering bounties on hearing priceaids that are out on trial—providing incentives for patients to return them and buy from manufacturer-owned stores. In this race to the bottom on price, the manufacturers are devaluing your service to your patients. And, in doing so, they are also devaluing your practice. If they can successfully change the retail landscape, they will no longer need to pay a premium to buy your practice – even if you have been selling their products and increasing the value of their brand for years.  In fact, lowered evaluations have already begun to contribute to the manufacturers’ success in acquiring private practices.

Audigy Group’s research into overseas markets shows the extent to which this strategy is playing out: according to our internal studies of over 100 independent practices in 8 countries, all face the same type of pressures. In Canada alone, for example, there were more than 1,000 independent private practices before manufacturer consolidation began in earnest—now there are 200.

Audigy’s strategy of building a consortium of elite, independent providers to support a premium private label technology brand has had two profound effects in counteracting the manufacturers’ direct retail efforts:

  1. As exclusive providers of the AGX Hearing brand within their geographic region our members present a technology offering that is truly unique in the market.
  2. Our members are not advertising the manufacturers’ brands in their market, driving interest in a brand that is ultimately competing against them

valueBy associating their unique AGX Hearing brand with expertise and an interest in forming lifelong relationships with their patients, Audigy members are building intrinsic value in a brand that they own, not one that they rent. It’s a strategy that has proven itself over and over again in the past 10 years of Audigy Group’s existence. As a result, we have seen our members grow both in Canada and the U.S. competing head to head with those same manufacturers. In 2014 alone, Audigy Group helped 51 established clinics achieve over 20% growth. These were not startup practices with no place to go but up – these were practices with an average of 23 years in business, who found a new, invigorating pathway to growth that has dramatically improved the future potential and value of their practice.

best practiceAudigy membership is comprised of practice owners who understand that value is measured by their ability to differentiate themselves in the marketplace by delivering the highest magnitude of impact for their patients. This is done through the ability to measure, hold accountable and leverage all aspects of best practices in real time and across all team members, creating an overall remarkable experience for their patients that transcends price. In fact, they understand something that manufacturers, big box retailers, and local price-based businesses don’t: that “price is only an issue in the absence of value.” These practice owners have aligned with Audigy to create the resources and structure to secure this market position.

Audigy members — 275 and counting — share their marketing techniques, business processes, and results with our team professional business analysts every single day. It is this kind of sharing that has made our membership of dedicated, independent hearing care providers a community of shrewd, uncommonly successful business owners who are supported by a hearing technology brand that accurately represents and successreflects the tremendous value these practices provide to their patients. And with over ten years of tracking and researching these results, Audigy members are able to learn from the successes and failures of practices that are just like their own. In this way independent business owners can experience the extraordinary benefit of learning how businesses of similar size, in a marketplaces with similar demographics, which are owned by individuals with similar objectives, have performed with each decision they have made.

At the end of the day, it’s important to ask yourself — just as we advise our Members to — if you don’t speak for your practice, your team, and your patients, who will?

Call our Membership Development team at 877.658.3602 or visit to find out how we support independent practice owners just like you.

brandon-blogBrandon is founder and CEO of Audigy Group and a sought-after lecturer and CEO advisor on entrepreneurship, leadership, and business-building strategies. Brandon created a unique, variable-expense shared services delivery model with the purpose and passion of supporting and preserving independent business owners who have the desire to become more profitable and to grow their existing business or expand to new markets.

Brandon’s success and entrepreneurial spirit have not gone unnoticed. Audigy Group has been honored as one of Portland Business Journal’s Fastest Growing Private Companies for six consecutive years, is a five time Inc. 5000 winner, and two-time winner of the Inc. Magazine’s Hire Power Award for outstanding success in job creation.  Additionally, Brandon has personally been named finalist twice in Ernst & Young’s Entrepreneur of the Year Award for the Pacific Northwest.


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Crayon Catalog Cover for 2015

oaktree CRAYON COVER2015.epsThe new 2015 Oaktree Products catalog has arrived and en route for delivery to your clinical practice. Apart from the nearly 4,000 products available at your finger tips, there have been relatively few price increases for 2015. As a matter of fact, there are a handful of price reductions on some popular products including tubing air blowers, the 4-packs of Rayovac Extra Advanced Zero Mercury batteries, the 3-part soaking tray, and the Welch Allyn Macroview Otoscope Head to name a few. There are also new products making an appearance in the Oaktree Products catalog for the first time and worth checking out including the LED Ear light (page 39), the Vanish Tube Dye System (page 60), the Otowave portable tympanometer (page 55), the free Purell Dispensers (item# 1928-04 and 8828-06 only, page 21) when you purchase two or more instant hand sanitizer refills (item# 1903-02, 1305-03, 8803-03, 8705-04) , and the Café Valet One Cup Coffee Brewer (page 119).

As chosen by popular vote, this year’s cover was selected from our first Submit-Your-Own Oaktree Products Catalog Cover Contest. It is a crayon drawing made by Maureen Wilkerson, a recently hired customer service representative at Oaktree Products. Be sure to check out all the different catalog covers on our Pinterest board Catalog Covers Throughout the pinterestYears.  Needless to say, we have come a long way since the 1992-1997 covers! If you do not receive our new catalog in the next couple of weeks, request a catalog online or contact customer service toll free at 800.347.1960 to have a copy sent out to you. Enjoy!!!!!!


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Make Your Practice Experience Fabulous for Your Patients in 2015!

frustrationAs an audiologist, I have come across more than one instance where it was necessary to speak loudly to help a patient better hear the conversation taking place in the clinical environment. These situations are certainly not uncommon and can be extremely frustrating not only for the individual with hearing loss but for clinician and/or front office personnel as well. Rather than having your patients struggle through these situations, offer your patients a more positive communication experience without spending a lot of time or money. How?

spec-pktEquip your front office area as well as your individual counseling rooms with easy-to-use and affordable personal listening systems such as a PockeTalker Ultra Duo. In the event communication is hampered because of your patient’s hearing loss, crack out the PockeTalker, put the headphones on the patient, and then ask “Can you hear me better now?”  This simple gesture will accomplish several things. First, it will make it much easier for your patient to hear you and benefit from what you have to say during the counseling process.  Second, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) assures that individuals’ health information is properly protected in any form or media, whether hipaaelectronic, paper, or oral.  When speaking loudly with patients with hearing loss, it is possible for individual identifiable health information to be overheard by patients in residing rooms or in the hall.  Investing in a few PockeTalkers for use in your clinic will certainly comply with HIPAA goals and requirements. Finally, integrating this kind of technology into your clinical practice will help generate awareness of what is available and potentially facilitate more patients to inquire about amplification options. For more information, contact customer service at Oaktree Products toll free 800.347.1960.


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