Understanding Your Hearing

When counseling individuals about hearing loss, patients and family members may often feel overwhelmed in trying to not only process but to understand a lot of new information. Listening to a verbal explanation of audiometric test results while showing the corresponding audiogram may not be a sufficient format for facilitating effective discourse between clinician and patient, nor does it encourage the patient to take on a mutual responsibility in their hearing health care.  Fortunately, the Understanding Your Hearing patient counseling brochures are readily available to assist audiologists in effectively counseling patients.

Understanding Your Hearing is a series of educational materials written by Dr. Robert Margolis, professor and Director of Audiology at the University of Minnesota Academic Health Center, based on over 30 years of experience evaluating pediatric and adult populations with hearing loss. The  series is comprised of five distinct brochures: 1) Understanding Your Hearing, 2) Understanding Your Child’s Hearing, 3) Understanding Your Baby’s Hearing, 4) Understanding Your Audiogram, and 5) Understanding Your Hearing Aids.

The first three brochures explain degrees and types of hearing loss, effects of hearing loss on communication, common causes of hearing loss, and treatment for adults, children, and infants respectively.  Understanding Your Audiogram is a seven-page booklet reviewing the audiogram, how the ear works, and includes a glossary of hearing terminology whereas Understanding Your Hearing Aids outlines the benefits and limitations of amplification options, including key factors that contribute to successful use of hearing instruments. Be sure to stock up on your supply today and use these informative brochures to educate and empower your patients!

About AU Bankaitis

A.U. Bankaitis, PhD is a clinical Audiologist with extensive clinical, research, and business experience within the hearing industry. Dr. Bankaitis created this blog to educate her colleagues on viable product solutions for their patients and/or clinical practice.
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