What was HOT in Phoenix at AudiologyNow2016: Top Five Breakdown

booth535AudiologyNow2016 has come and gone. If you were unable to attend or made the trip to Phoenix but need a little reminder as to what was hot, have no fear! The Oaktree Products’ team (pictured right) included Nicole Borg (customer service), Dr. A.U. Bankaitis, PhD (audiologists and VP), Maggie Kleffner (Purchasing), Dave Kemp (Marketing), Dana Drady (Marketing) and Michael Kemp (General Manager); this group made mental notes regarding products generating the most interest, questions, and/or “Wow!” response amongst attendees at this year’s convention.  Here is a quick run-down of the five hottest items at the Oaktree Products booth (#535):

  1. Otoscopes were the most popular item of interest, in particular the Firefly DE-550 wireless video otoscope, the new and colorful Welch Allyn PocketPlus LED pocket otoscopes, the Heine Mini-3000 fiber-optic, and renewed interest of the Horus+ video otoscope
  2. New PockeTalker 2.0 generated buzz not only because of its sleek and ergonomic design, but mainly because of the added t-coil option. Juliette Sterkens actually shed a few tears while holding it in her hands. How does it compare to previous PockeTalker models? Check out this PockeTalker Summary making sure you scroll down to see the comparison chart for a quick visual breakdown.
  3. The ThinkLabs-One has been around for a couple of years and the crowd in Phoenix had a lot of great questions about it and amplified stethoscopes in general. If you want to learn more, check out Oaktree Products’ amplified stethoscope section and A.U. Bankaitis’ Audiology Blog’s amplified stethoscope section.
  4. The loupes on display for cerumen management and other audiology applications including the FS600, Seiler LED, and MegaSpot 6000 seemed to never rest on the mannequin heads and were constantly worn by audiologists visiting the booth. Guess what? In addition, the cracker-jack Oaktree Products team learned about another loupe that we will soon offer….it is so awesome that it deserves its own future blog post
  5. Believe it or not, a lot of audiologists were proactively seeking PSAP and hearable solutions for potential patients and the SoundHawk and Bean were a big hit.

While many other items were on display that generated a lot of interest (i.e. totally affordable Econ LED Ear Light, stainless steel wax loops), limiting selection to the top five was difficult but pretty much reflects what audiologists were most interested in checking out. For more information, surf the Oaktree Products website (it’s free) or contact anyone at Oaktree Products toll free 800.347.1960 or via email at otp@oaktreproducts.com.  By the way, we are all over social media so follow us on and contact us via Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.  See you in Indianapolis in 2017!

About AU Bankaitis

A.U. Bankaitis, PhD is a clinical Audiologist with extensive clinical, research, and business experience within the hearing industry. She is Vice President of Oaktree Products, a multi-line distributor of audiology supplies and screening/diagnostic test equipment. Dr. Bankaitis created this blog to educate her colleagues and providers in the hearing health care industry on viable product solutions for their patients and/or clinical practice.
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One Response to What was HOT in Phoenix at AudiologyNow2016: Top Five Breakdown

  1. John Zeigler says:

    No Resound or UNITRON booths. More talk about GPOs and plasticity being lost to PSPAs.

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