Three Clicks to Learn, Influence & Celebrate


How many times have you sent a CIC back to the hearing aid manufacturer just to have the drawstring repaired? Learn how to do this repair in your own offic with a handful of products your probably already have by clicking CIC diyDrawstring Repair Demonstration.  In less than 2 minutes, see how you can become an even bigger super hero than you already are to your patients! While you are at it, make your life easier and subscribe to the Oaktree Products YouTube Channel; that way, any time a new video is added to the library, you will automatically be notified via email.


whyDid you ever look at a product and wonder “Why did they do it this way?” Well, you now have the opportunity to provide feedback to influence what resale accessories should be included in a hearing aid care kit for patients. Four quick multiple choice questions just a click away at MY OPINION MATTERS.

Want to have a little bit of fun today by joining a special anniversary celebration? If you have a Facebook, Twitter or Tumblr account, open the thunderclapOaktree Products Special Anniversary Thunderclap and click any red SUPPORT button located below our most recent company photo.  It’s free AND if we get enough people to do this, the Thunderclap will automatically be resent to every supporter (and their followers) on Tuesday, August 18th and include a short video from your friends at Oaktree Products.

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Effortlessly Turn Your iPhone into a Video Otoscope

I phone 5 16GBSmartphones have essentially become a permanent human appendage; rarely will you go anywhere without it. Since that’s the case, why not make it work for you to promote your business or enhance your service reach? How? Simply transform your Smartphone into a digital video otoscope with the CellScope Oto Clinic™.

cellscopeThe CellScope Oto Clinic is a Smartphone-enabled digital video otoscope designed to work with iPhone 5, 5s or 6.  It will capture images and video of the ear canal and tympanic membrane.  The free CellScope mobile app records and stores videos and images, and simultaneously syncs the data to a web app for easy review of ear exam data.  The system is fully compliant with federal and state laws under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of1996.  It is affordable and easy to use. Perfect for audiologists and ENTs involved in telemedicine.  Ideal for students to use throughout their AuD program. The technology is convenient to have on hand outside of the clinical environment. See how easy it is to use in the video posted below courtesy of the Oaktree Products YouTube Channel. For those of you that want to act fast, order your CellScope Oto Clinic from Oaktree Products anytime through Friday, July 31, 2015 and get free shipping. Mention or use coupon code CELLSCOPEFREE when placing your order. 

Posted in Audiology, Otoscopes, Headlamps & Earlights | Tagged , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Master the TL-One in About Five Minutes

clickAmplified stethoscopes remain an area of extreme interest to subscribers, followers, and finders of A.U. Bankaitis’ Audiology Blog. Of the nearly 300 posts published since the summer of 2010, the most accessed topic category has been amplified stethoscopes.  In the past year alone (July 2014 – June 2015), an amplified stethoscope post from this blog was accessed 4,484 times. In other words, on average, a little over 12 people a day have clicked into this blog to specifically access information about amplified stethoscopes.

As more and more medical professionals with hearing loss seek solutions for Five-Minutesperforming auscultation procedures, audiologists need to be prepared to offer amplified stethoscope solutions to physicians, nurses, and other allied health professionals including the relatively new Think-Labs One (TL-One) amplified stethoscope.  To help get started, watch two brief YouTube videos located on the Oaktree Products YouTube Channel on how the TL-One works and how the TL-One interfaces with a hearing instrument streamer.  In about five minutes, you will be on your way to offering your future patients a potentially great solution.



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Brand Whenever You Can

A-rose-bush-with-thornsAs previously outlined in my July 2014 guest blog post on Dr. Gyl’s Blog For Practice Success (see Hearing Industry: Rose bush full of thorns or thorn bush full of roses?), the hearing industry landscape has drastically changed, particularly for the independent private practice owner.  Consumers can go anywhere including the internet, Costco, SAMs Club, and the like to purchase hearing aids (or PSAPs).  Based on my years as a practicing audiologist and interactions with audiology customers, the three recommendations made on how to differentiate your practice included: 1) assuming the role of a communication optimization expert, 2) patching up point-of-purchase gaps, and 3) thinking like a consumer but acting like an audiologist.

Today, a fourth recommendation is offered and that is to brand whenever you can. This includes doing the little things that promote your business such as making sure your practice name remains in front of your patient’s eyes as often as possible.
For those of you purchasing Dry & Store Global II or the Zephyr for resale, you now
have the opportunity to customize these dehumidifiers by having your practice name Globalcustom-scrolletched on the lid. Since the Global II has a 90-second UV that activates when the unit is initially turned on, your patients will actually see your practice name glow for about a minute every day; imagine your practice name in lights without the hefty electrical bill!  Not a bad gig. The etching on the Zephyr lid is equally cool without the light show.  During the month of July 2015, Oaktree Products is offering free etching. Quantity minimums apply. For more information, contact Oaktree Products toll free at 800.347.1960 and ask for customer service.


Posted in Audiology, Hearing Aid Dehumidifiers & Moisture Protection | Tagged , , , , , | 2 Comments

Spotlight Blog Post – Interview with Aspiring Professional Napper Nancy Steinbrecher

professionalnapper_largeAn employee at Oaktree Products recently assumed the role of “Professional Napper” to test-drive and provide feedback on four new tinnitus maskers: 1) Sleep Therapy Pillow, 2) Serene Under Pillow SleepSound System, 3) SleepPhone Classic, and 4) SleepPhone Wireless System.  She shared her experience with Customer Service and Marketing at Oaktree Products and it made sense to share the information.

AU: So, tell me a little bit about yourself!

Nancy: I’m Nancy Steinbrecher, sister of Margy Kemp and sister-in-law to Bob Kemp, owners of Oaktree Products and I just celebrated my 11-year work anniversary here at Oaktree Products!

What do you do at Oaktree Products?

I’m kind of a big deal here! I am the Accounts Receivables Clerk so my main job is to invoice customers and to also process payments.

Why the interest in tinnitus maskers?

eclectic-decorative-pillowsA couple of months ago, as I was walking into the warehouse to pick up packing slips related to shipped orders, I noticed a box sitting on the New Products table in the Marketing area that had a picture of a pillow on it.  I love to take naps and was intrigued.  I read the outside of the box and took it to Marketing to ask if I could try it. Per usual with Marketing, you don’t get something for nothing! I was granted permission under the condition that I would try three other similar products that were also new to the Oaktree Products tinnitus product line.

Do you actually suffer from tinnitus?

No, I don’t have tinnitus BUT I do like to nap.

What is tinnitus?

Ringing in the ear or ears.

Not bad! How did you know?

We talked about it at work about six months ago during one of our daily group hugs (nickname for the daily Oaktree company meeting held every morning from 8:00 to 8:15 am CST).  Somebody from the warehouse asked what it was and I remember learning about it.

What criteria did you use to assess the performance of each tinnitus product?

I’m not an audiologist or researcher, nor am I a consumer with hearing loss or tinnitus.  I simply loved the idea of having something at pillow level designed to mask out bothersome sounds.  For me, if the product was easy to set up, easy to use, and something I would use every day, it got a thumbs up.  Having said that, there are pros and cons to these products and I definitely have my favorites.

With that in mind, can you tell me about the Sleep Therapy Pillow (SP-151)?

sp-151The SP-151 is a pillow equipped with two removable speakers positioned within the pillow itself.  It has an attached cord that plugs into anything with a 3.5 mm socket like an iPod, MP3, Smartphone, or CD player, it has its own dedicated volume control.  I was a little disappointed that this product didn’t come pre-loaded with nature sounds because I didn’t want to listen to my own music so I ended up downloading a free iPhone app called Rain, Rain Sleep.  The free app offers a wide range of sound choices including my favorite called Rain on the Beach.  They also have bizarre sounds like a dishwasher, traffic, and airplane but I guess you gotta have something for everyone.

Pros: easy to use and install, uses only one cord that plugs into iPhone; separate volume control on cord; pretty comfortable.

Cons: pillow not fluffy enough so another one needed for support; you can feel the speakers if you roll over or fluff pillow; even at low volume levels, spouse can hear sounds from speaker creating a conflict that I’m not sure who would ultimately win; does not come pre-loaded with own nature sounds so must download app if that is what you want.

What about the Serene Under Pillow Sound System (PS-100)?

hc-ps100The PS-100 is a thin pad equipped with two thin speakers designed to be placed under your own pillow. It connects to your iPod, MP3, Smartphone, etc. Unlike the Sleep Therapy Pillow, this product come equipped with built-in nature sounds that continue to play as a loop.  It also has a built-in sleep timer that automatically powers off after an hour.

Pro: ready to use out-of-the-box with built-in nature sounds which means you don’t have to own an MP3 or iPhone to use it; built-in sleep timer; separate volume control on cord; pretty comfortable.

Cons: built-in nature sounds is a loop without ability to choose sounds (i.e. I can’t stand chirping birds but I had to listen to them loop); set up cumbersome with three cords; one cord dedicated as power supply and must be plugged into wall outlet; even at low volume levels, spouse can hear sounds from speaker.

What was your experience with the SleepPhones Classic Version?

wiredThe SleepPhone Classic is a fleece headband equipped with thin, removable speakers that comfortably rests over the ears and around the head.  It has a 4 foot cord that connects to the same types of devices previously mentioned and will require the use of your own music or downloading a free app like Rain, Rain Sleep.

Pro: one cord so easy to set up; easy to use; fleece headband is comfortable and available in a few colors and different sizes; my spouse could NOT hear anything

Cons: fleece headband may be hot if worn during warmer conditions; does not come equipped with pre-programmed sounds; if roll-over, connected Smartphone or MP3 could fall off nightstand so place it under the pillow to avoid this during the night.

What about the SleepPhones Wireless Version?

wirelessNothing to say other than this product was my favorite. It works the same way as the Classic Version described above just without the actual wire because this version is wireless.  It is very easy to pair to another Bluetooth device including a Bluetooth-enabled TV.  Technically, you can connect the other ones to a TV as well but the cords may not be sufficient to make this realistic. I also like that the material of the headband is a lighter polyester/spandex. The product is rechargeable with packaging indicating up to 6 hours of continuous play; I used it for two days without recharging it.

Pro: wireless so no cords; easy to set up; material of headband is light and comfortable; my spouse could NOT hear anything

Cons: most expensive of the bunch but totally worth it; have to use your own device to listen to music or nature sounds.

So, at the end of the day, what did you think?

Loved the concepts of these devices.  If you have to have something that works out of the box without worrying about having a Smartphone or MP3, go with the Serene.  If you want to use your own music or aren’t opposed to download a free app to hear various nature sounds, the other three will work and it’s a matter of whether a pillow or a headband may be more appealing. Oaktree Products also sells speakers (Marsona Pillow Speaker Set, Item# PS-2) that go into your own pillow if you didn’t want to invest in the entire pillow and speaker like the SP-151. Personally, my favorite was the SleepPhone Wireless; I totally loved it and the price of it is worth it.

blackNancy Steinbrecher is the accounting receiving clerk at Oaktree Products and has been happily employed here for 11 years.  She loves to sleep and looking forward to serving as a consumer reporter on future tinnitus or sleep therapy products that would required her totake a nap.  Nancy is pictured in her office with the lights off doing what she absolutely likes doing the most…taking a nap.

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3-Part is a Charm!!!

Did you know there is a way to avoid making direct contact with Wavicide and Sporox when immersing or removing items from a soaking tray during cold sterilization procedures? The Audiologist’s Choice 3-Part Soaking Tray is quite the charm and a
perfect product for either sterilizing or disinfecting items.  It is a plastic tray designed
00501for soaking critical and non-critical instruments. It has a self-contained draining basket with a unique handle that allows you to put instruments in and take them out of the sterilant without making direct or indirect contact with the chemical solution. This tray also has a date indicator that reminds you when the sterilant is due for a change. To see this product in action, check out both of our Audiologist’s Choice 3-Part Soaking Tray QuickFlicks (yes, it is that cool) from August 2011 (featuring Dave-the-Wave) and from June 2015 (featuring Madison-the-Intern) on the Oaktree Products YouTube video channel.

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Ten Dollar, Make Your Instruments Holler!

whineAre your reusable stainless steel instruments looking a little dull or unpolished? Have you noticed an accumulation of stains or tarnish on your curettes, loops or forceps?  Never fear as the perfect solution is here! For $10, you can quickly put the polish back into your cerumen management instruments using Miltex, a nifty product available to you from Oaktree Products.

Miltex Instrument Stain Remover (item# 3-740) is a multi-purpose powder formula designed to remove stains or tarnish from stainless steel or plated surfaces,
including your stainless steel curettes, forceps or other cerumen removal instruments miltexas a result of cold sterilization procedures. Packaged in a convenient 3 oz jar, be very careful when twisting off the top as the powder is loose. To use Miltex, dab a damp cloth or sponge into the powder and then gently polish your instrument. Note: the powder will become paste-like and leave a slight film on the instrument surface. When finished, rinse the instruments in lukewarm water to remove any residual film.  Dry them off with a clean towel or let them air dry. Check out this quick Miltex Demonstration Video courtesy of Oaktree Products!

beforeafterMiltex is ideal for use on stainless steel, chrome, nickel, brass, copper and silver and will NOT harm instrument surfaces. It is the perfect addition to your cleaning regimen and will help prolong the service life of valuable instrumentation. Three ounces may not seem like a lot of product but you don’t need much to polish your instruments so it will last you a long time. Protect your investment with Miltex! For more information on this and other Miltex products (i.e. Miltex Instrument Cleaner, Miltex Spray Instrument Lubricant), contact Oaktree Products toll free 800.347.1960 and ask for customer service or drop Oaktree Products an email at

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Don’t Compete with your Competition; Make them Compete with You – guest post by Serge Traylor

customerjourneyRemember when you made the switch from your old TV to one of those “flat screens”? Why did you buy what you did? What was your purchase journey and what factors ultimately drove you to the purchase you made? And, do you think that everyone else weighed each of the determining factors the same way as you did? When it comes to high ticket items, people typically spend a significant amount of time researching their options before making their ultimate decision. High-ticket items have a different price point for us all, but I think we can all agree that there is definite line where research prevails over impulse.

In this story, we are thinking back to when we decided to purchase that first flat screen TV. There are lots of brands to choose from. And honestly, who’s to know which brand is actually better than the others? Friends swear by their brands, consumer reports may guide you in a different direction, and some scientific reviews might point you to yet another brand. You also have to factor in where you are going to buy this TV. Are you willing to chance an online retailer? What if it is damaged in shipping? Is the customer service lender-decisionslevel significantly better at one store versus another? Oh, and now that everyone has a loyalty program, is there a retailer where you would rather get the points because you have already accumulated a significant number of points? Or are you the kind of person who says, “Give me the least expensive TV and I’ll take it!

Think about how you answered each of the questions in the last paragraph. Now, do you think that everybody answered them the same way? Likely not. If everyone answered the same way, then that brand or channel would have 100% of the market, right? But they don’t, do they?

Just like the TV market, there are lots of choices consumers need to make when choosing a hearing aid including whether or not they will want to come to you. There are many brands to consider, all promoting a bell or whistle other instruments may or may not have despite essentially doing the same thing. At the end of the day, people buy for all sorts of reasons. Some want the best price, some want the best technology, some want the highest level of support and customer service, and some just want to compare and contrast side by side before making the most informed decision for themselves.

you-brandThe moral of the story is that you don’t have to be a big box retailer to compete because some people will always prefer to buy there. You also don’t have to compete by matching prices because there will always be a segment of the population interested in investing in only the least expensive option. What you have to do is be true to you…and your customers. Find out why people would buy from you. Focus on the WHY over the how or the what (a nod to Simon Sinek). Don’t spend your hard earned dollars trying to convince people to buy from you when they are already predisposed to buy elsewhere; instead, focus your marketing dollars on telling your story to those who would consider YOU. Show them why YOU know them, why YOU understand them. Your conversion will be much higher which means your return on investment will be better.

brandingYour business is your brand. Spend time being you, being your brand. Not trying to be someone else and someone else’s brand. Your fair share of the market is out there. Why? Because everyone shops differently and when you are authentic and differentiated, people have a reason to associate with you and want to support your brand.

sergeSerge Traylor is the founder and owner of /ˈekwədē/ (pronounced equity), a strategic branding and marketing company. /ekwədē/ exists to help great companies become great brands. They do this by partnering with companies to find their unique point of differentiation then market and communicate their strengths as opposed to resorting to defensive marketing tactics that are a response to intense competition. Serge has extensive experience in developing and refining great brands from healthcare to agriculture to consulting to consumer goods industries. He has practical marketing experience in the hearing health category in building and promoting a leading hearing aid battery brand.

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