PockeTalker gets more than just a makeover

0014997-pocketalker-20-with-headphonesWilliams Sound recently introduced a third version of the popular PockeTalker called the PockeTalker 2.0. How is it different from the PockeTalker Pro and the PockeTalker Ultra? At first glance, the new PockeTalker 2.0 (PKT2.0) looks completely different (spoiler alert: it’s white and ergonomically shaped to fit more comfortably in the user’s hand). In addition, the microphone is located internally so the microphone no longer protrudes from the top as seen with the PockeTalker Pro and PockeTalker Ultra. The PKT2.0 does have an external microphone port that will accommodate a plug-in mount microphone (included in packaging) although it does not have to be plugged in to use the device.

cwtype-FeaturesLooks aren’t everything so let’s get to a few more features unique to the PKT2.0.  First, the PKT 2.0 has a built-in T-coil. The T-coil switch is located on the side of unit.  When switched to the ON position, the PKT2.0 disables the microphone input and picks up the signal in the loop.  Second, it offers an extended high and low frequency range.  Third, the PKT2.0 includes a balance adjustment trimpot to allow the volume to be adjusted as needed between the right versus left headphone.

Worth_NotingAlthough not unique to the PKT2.0, another feature worth noting is the PKT2.0, like the original PockeTalker Pro, is rechargeable ready.  Whereas all three PockeTalker models can use rechargeable batteries, only the PKT2.0 and the PockeTalker Pro are equipped with charging ports located on the side of each unit.  Rechargeable battery kits specific to the PockeTalker 2.0 (item BATKT7) and PockeTalker Pro (item BATKT3) are available (sold separately) which allow the user to recharge their batteries without needing to take them out of the compartment.  This is not an option for the PockeTalker Ultra. NOTE:  If the decision is made to use rechargeable batteries with the PKT2.0, the battery switch located inside the battery compartment must be switched from the ALK to the NIMH position. For more information or to order your PKT2.0, contact customer service at Oaktree Products toll free 800.347.1960.

Microsoft Word - PockeTalker 2-3.docx

About AU Bankaitis

A.U. Bankaitis, PhD is a clinical Audiologist with extensive clinical, research, and business experience within the hearing industry. She is Vice President of Oaktree Products, a multi-line distributor of audiology supplies and screening/diagnostic test equipment. Dr. Bankaitis created this blog to educate her colleagues and providers in the hearing health care industry on viable product solutions for their patients and/or clinical practice.
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6 Responses to PockeTalker gets more than just a makeover

  1. For readers who’d like to foster a loop in their church/community I just wrote a blog where they may find a “pearl or two on funding: https://loopwisconsin.wordpress.com/2016/02/08/how-to-get-your-church-in-the-hearing-loop/

  2. AU Bankaitis says:

    we currently offer the PockeTalker 2.0 and our audiology customers are very interested in it, particularly for the t-coil capability. This is a GREAT solution for people having a hard time hearing that are not yet ready to jump into hearing instruments.

  3. Like Juliette, I too will be talking about this option in my public hearing loop presentations – perhaps even have one available to try out!

  4. This is wonderful news for hearing loop advocates as well as audiologists around the country.

    I for one will be talking about this option in my public hearing loop presentations.

    Audiologists will be happy to know that if they offer this pocket amplifier option to select patients for one-on-one situations (and who hasn’t done this???) will also give their clients front row hearing in looped venues.

    • AU Bankaitis says:

      as popular as the PockeTalker is and has been, the built-in t-coil was a missing feature that everyone will benefit from so I hope audiologists take advantage of this and offer this to their patients.

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