How do PSAPs fit into the modern audiology practice? – guest post by Drew Dundas

Over the years I’ve had the pleasure of working with many patients with a common set of complaints. Let me set the scene for you. It’s a morning or an afternoon on a day that ends with ‘y’, and your new patient explains that they have noticed that they’re having increasing difficulty understanding in situations such as restaurants and meetings, when trying to understand a lecture, or that they’re engaged in a nightly battle with a loved one for the TV remote control. ‘Hmm, I think I may have heard that one before,’ you think to yourself and start the case history and diagnostics. Your test results are unremarkable, with a little bit of a high frequency shift, but no red flags or glaring loss of hearing sensitivity. After explaining the test results to the patient, you’re faced with a bit of a dilemma. The subjective impact of these situational listening difficulties often outstrips the objective severity of the hearing profile of the individual.

So, it’s decision time. Do you explain that many people experience these challenges, but that because there isn’t really a significant change in hearing sensitivity as of yet that hearing aids are not an ideal solution at this time, and suggest some listening strategies? Or, do you by default bring up the idea of amplification and assistive technologies like an FM setup?

soluton-wowDay in and day out, I found this to be a frustrating decision to make. We know that the right technology can help these patients and have a substantial positive effect on their overall quality of life, but hard won experience has shown us time and time again that it is a truly rare patient who is able to justify and afford thousands of dollars of technology to address difficulties that arise in only a few situations each day. The solution that has been needed is one that gives patients a speech intelligibility enhancement, maybe a little gain in the right frequency range, an improvement in signal to noise ratio that’s comparable to an FM, and a way to package it all so that the cost to the patient is easy to justify for those few hours a day where the technology is needed. Because it’s likely to be a low cost solution, it shouldn’t take up too much of the clinician’s time, so it should be easy to set up, adjust and use. Oh, and ideally, we don’t want the device to be visually confused with a hearing aid, because the devices have very different purposes. Until recently, there simply hasn’t been a solution that would fulfill these needs, so we were forced to suggest that the patient come back in a year or so for retest, and, well, how often does that really happen?

opportunity-fishOne of the worst things that can happen here for the patient (and the clinician) is to establish the idea that technology isn’t going to help, because once this idea is established, it’s very difficult to alter. It may also explain why many of the patients never return to our practices. Instead, if we can establish and demonstrate that technology can be helpful, we create a therapeutic relationship with the patient that will bring them back to the clinic if and when their difficulty worsens. What a great opportunity for patient and provider alike, especially when we consider that it typically takes years for people to seek assistance and adopt traditional technology after recognizing the existence of a significant problem.

economicsHere’s where PSAPs come into the picture, and equally importantly, into the economics of the dispensing practice. Marketing wisdom suggests that it costs between 5 and 25 times more to capture a new customer than it does to retain an existing one.[1] Further, hearing industry data suggests that once a patient has purchased a solution from a hearing healthcare professional, that there is a 95% probability that they will purchase their next device from that same practice. Third, once technology is adopted, the average product lifecycle is less than five years.[2] Contrast this with the average time to adoption of hearing aids after identification of hearing impairment, at greater than 9 years. From a purely financial perspective, it makes sense to the professional to offer PSAP solutions, as this provides an opportunity to build a relationship with a patient, makes the patient more likely to return to the practice, and opens the door for earlier adoption of hearing aids when audiometrically appropriate. Of course, there’s an extensive set of much more important reasons to offer these technologies to patients who are not yet ideal hearing aid candidates, that fit under the umbrella of improving quality of life.

Evidence suggests that individuals with untreated even mild hearing impairments experience an increased incidence and severity of depression relative to normal hearing deprivationpeers AND those who make use of hearing technologies.[3] They are also more likely to experience fatigue, irritability, anxiety and social isolation.[4] Most recently, researchers have identified a link between untreated hearing impairments and cognitive decline. [5]These problems help to create a compelling argument in favor of adopting assistive listening technologies sooner, rather than later.

PSAP products can provide a ‘gateway’ solution for individuals who are not yet ideal hearing aid candidates. Some products are designed to emphasize signal to noise ratio enhancement, providing many of the features found in high end hearing aid devices in addition to wireless remote microphone technology. Most are intended for situational use only, instead of all day wear. A new generation of these devices has introduced designs that don’t look like hearing aids from the 1970s, and simultaneously provide additional connectivity and great flexibility for the user. Most importantly, they are not visually confused with hearing aids, making it easier for the professional to make the differences in intended use between PSAPs and hearing aids clear to the patient.

mobileWe are now experiencing the first significant step forward in hearing technology since the introduction of digital signal processing. The confluence of mobile computing power, increased connectivity and enhanced communication is combining with commercially available audio processing solutions and hearing science to create a new marketplace, rather than cannibalizing from existing sales. Hearing healthcare professionals now have the opportunity to establish the appropriate time and place for PSAP technology in the hearing journey of the patient. Incorporating these products into your practice helps to maintain the professional’s position of authority relative to hearing healthcare, and furthers the aim of every professional, namely to provide the best solution for the patient and to become a partner in hearing health, for life.

OutreachThe long and short of it is that PSAPs are not a threat to Audiology, or a hearing aid alternative, but rather, they are simply another tool in the box of options, an opportunity to build relationships with new clients, a chance to consider more than a ‘hearing aid or nothing’ and maintain credibility with the patient by providing more than a single approach to dealing with listening difficulties. Most importantly, considering PSAP products for the right patients is another way to serve the highly varied needs of our rapidly expanding patient base. The next time you encounter a patient who isn’t yet a great candidate for full-time amplification but who still reports a lifestyle impact due to situational listening difficulties, why not consider a PSAP product? You just might be surprised.

Dundas_Pro_HeadshotDrew Dundas, PhD, FAAA, CCC-A is President and Chief Technology officer at Soundhawk Corporation in Menlo Par California. Clinically trained as an audiologist at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Dr. Dundas entered the world of hearing research at Vanderbilt University, culminating in a PhD in Audiology and Biomedical Engineering. Dr. Dundas conducted development research into fitting algorithms, compressor design and advanced signal processing while a research audiologist at Starkey Hearing Technologies in Eden Prairie, MN. Prior to joining Soundhawk, he served as director of Audiology and Professor of Otolaryngology in the School of Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco where he oversaw clinical operations, resident education, research and made time to work closely with patients of all ages. He has been an invited speaker at State, National and International hearing and balance meetings, published numerous peer-reviewed articles, and co-authored chapters on balance function assessment. He holds multiple US and European patents relating to hearing devices and the personalization of sound.


[1] Gallo, A. (2014). The Value of Keeping the Right Customers. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved from

[2] Allen, R.L. (2002). Hearing Aids: Reasonable Expectations for the Consumer. AudiologyOnline. Retrieved from

[3] Amieva, H., Ouvrard C., Giolioli, C., Meillon, C., Rullier, L., Dartigues, J.F. (2015). Self-Reported Hearing Loss, Hearing Aids, and Cognitive Decline in Elderly Adults: A 25-Year Study. J Am Geriatr Soc, 63(10):2099-104.

[4] Ciorba, A., Bainchini, C., Pelucchi, S., Pastore, A. (2012). The Impact of Hearing Loss on the Quality of Life of Elderly Adults. Clin interv Aging, 7:159-163.

[5] Lin, F.R., Metter, E.J., O’Brien, R.J., Resnick, S.M., Zonderman, A.B., Ferucci, L. (2011). Hearing Loss and Incident Dementia. Arch Neurol, 68(2):214-220.

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DryDome for Hearing Instruments

Siemens-AquarisEvery hearing instrument wearer benefits from a dehumidifier yet not everyone necessarily needs a heavy-duty version to do a sufficient job. The new, compact, and economically priced DryDome from the makers of Dry & Store is the perfect option for proactively extending the life of hearing instruments through daily moisture control.  In one simple touch of the button, the unit produces gentle convection heat (113º F) and automatically shuts off after a continuous 8-hour cycle.  In addition, no DD-D1STDCUSTOMdesiccant is required offering your patients a minimum-fuss means to take care of their investment.  Better yet, Oaktree Products offers a custom printing option for your DryDome (minimum quantity order of 10 required) using UV ink that will not wear off.  The imprint size is relatively small (1″W and 1/2″H) so a logo with relatively limited text is ideal.  For more information on this product, contact customer service toll-free at 800.347.1960 or send them an email at


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What was HOT in Phoenix at AudiologyNow2016: Top Five Breakdown

booth535AudiologyNow2016 has come and gone. If you were unable to attend or made the trip to Phoenix but need a little reminder as to what was hot, have no fear! The Oaktree Products’ team (pictured right) included Nicole Borg (customer service), Dr. A.U. Bankaitis, PhD (audiologists and VP), Maggie Kleffner (Purchasing), Dave Kemp (Marketing), Dana Drady (Marketing) and Michael Kemp (General Manager); this group made mental notes regarding products generating the most interest, questions, and/or “Wow!” response amongst attendees at this year’s convention.  Here is a quick run-down of the five hottest items at the Oaktree Products booth (#535):

  1. Otoscopes were the most popular item of interest, in particular the Firefly DE-550 wireless video otoscope, the new and colorful Welch Allyn PocketPlus LED pocket otoscopes, the Heine Mini-3000 fiber-optic, and renewed interest of the Horus+ video otoscope
  2. New PockeTalker 2.0 generated buzz not only because of its sleek and ergonomic design, but mainly because of the added t-coil option. Juliette Sterkens actually shed a few tears while holding it in her hands. How does it compare to previous PockeTalker models? Check out this PockeTalker Summary making sure you scroll down to see the comparison chart for a quick visual breakdown.
  3. The ThinkLabs-One has been around for a couple of years and the crowd in Phoenix had a lot of great questions about it and amplified stethoscopes in general. If you want to learn more, check out Oaktree Products’ amplified stethoscope section and A.U. Bankaitis’ Audiology Blog’s amplified stethoscope section.
  4. The loupes on display for cerumen management and other audiology applications including the FS600, Seiler LED, and MegaSpot 6000 seemed to never rest on the mannequin heads and were constantly worn by audiologists visiting the booth. Guess what? In addition, the cracker-jack Oaktree Products team learned about another loupe that we will soon offer….it is so awesome that it deserves its own future blog post
  5. Believe it or not, a lot of audiologists were proactively seeking PSAP and hearable solutions for potential patients and the SoundHawk and Bean were a big hit.

While many other items were on display that generated a lot of interest (i.e. totally affordable Econ LED Ear Light, stainless steel wax loops), limiting selection to the top five was difficult but pretty much reflects what audiologists were most interested in checking out. For more information, surf the Oaktree Products website (it’s free) or contact anyone at Oaktree Products toll free 800.347.1960 or via email at  By the way, we are all over social media so follow us on and contact us via Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.  See you in Indianapolis in 2017!

Posted in Audiology, Cerumen Management, Hearing Assistance Technology, Otoscopes, Headlamps & Earlights | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Customizable Otoscope to Suit Your Style

22880Make your own mark in the audiology clinic with a lightweight, durable pocket otoscope that offers easy customization to match your mood or style. The Welch Allyn Pocket Plus LED Otoscope is available in four modern colors including onyx, blue, purple/plum and white. Each otoscope comes packaged in a soft carrying case that includes two sets of eyepiece window and handle bumpers; one set is the same color as the actual otoscope and the other set is white. In the case of the white otoscope, since a set of white bumpers is already included, the second set comes in onyx. Window bumpers attach to the outer perimeter of the otoscope eyepiece whereas the
handle bumpers fit on the bottom portion of the otoscope handle. Bumpers not only offer a fun and easy way to change the look of your otoscope, they provide added protection and durability to your investment from accidental drops. Additional bumper colors (optional 106081accessory kit) are available to pack more flare and fun to your busy work days. This otoscope is only available from Oaktree Products; if you are attending AudiologyNow2016 in Phoenix, come to booth #535 and see them for yourself. Otherwise, figure out which otoscope is the right one for you by accessing An Exclusive Gem From Oaktree Products portion of the Otoscope Solutions section on the Oaktree Products website.

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Top Ten Questions with Joe Alden of Alpaca Audiology

Q:  For my blog followers who may not be familiar, can you briefly describe the who and what about Alpaca Audiology? 

A:  Sure!  Alpaca Audiology is a Negotiating Network focused on being the group to crack the code and get a “Costco-like” deal for Audiologists.  Meaning, we want to unite Audiologists from across the country in order to negotiate collective purchasing that would allow us to be more than competitive with big box stores, third-party insurance, and manufacturer owned retail.  We are currently conducting a nation-wide survey to help find more like-minded professionals!  So far, approximately 750 practicing Audiologists have taken the survey.

Q:  You describe Alpaca Audiology as a Negotiating Network.  What does that mean?

A:  Our Negotiating Network is an organization that unifies the purchasing of hearing aids and Audiology related equipment and supplies.  Alpaca Audiology does exactly what the name implies; we negotiate aggressive pricing and discounts for our members. In addition, we allow all purchasing to be made directly between the account and the manufacturer or supplier. We do not purchase any products directly nor do we mark them up to our members.  This allows members from all over the country to directly benefit from one another, and continue to drive down costs.  In other words, we allow members to receive the benefits of direct purchasing combined with the benefits of collective purchasing power.

Q:  How is that different from a traditional buying group?

A:  Great question.  A buying group was originally marketed as a similar concept.  However, throughout the years the term “buying group” has become more and more synonymous with value added services as opposed to savings or a reduction in cost of goods.  All of these value added services cost a buying group money.  The costs associated with marketing planning, marketing execution, consolidated billing, front office training, and recruitment services (just to name a few) get added to the invoice price of hearing aids whether the account utilizes those services or not.  This results in a high cost of goods that makes it impossible for accounts to compete with big box stores on price.  In fact, most Audiologists would be able to negotiate better pricing directly from manufacturers then they would be able to through a traditional buying group.

Q:  So then how does the Alpaca model allow for such aggressive pricing?

A:  The only service that Alpaca provides is negotiating.  We are 100% free to join!  We represent accounts from across the country.  These accounts include private practices, ENT clinics, hospital networks, and universities.  The more hearing aids that the membership fits, the more aggressive our hearing aid pricing becomes.  So our negotiating power increases when we increase our members and when our existing members grow.  All we do is save our members money.  No catch.

Q:  Does this result in better pricing than purchasing direct?

A:  Not always; however, there is no limit to how large Alpaca’s purchasing power can grow.  Individual clinic’s purchasing power suffer from what I call the “Silo Effect”.  Essentially, each clinic on its own can only grow so much or fit so many hearing aids.  That means that its purchasing power is very limited or capped.  In the case of Alpaca, there is no cap.  If Audiologists were to unite their purchasing power through Alpaca, then our pricing would be much more aggressive than any clinic and any big box store for that matter.  That is because the independent hearing aid market sells significantly more hearing aids per year than any big box store.

Q:  How is it that you will be able to “crack the code”?

A:  Well, Alpaca Audiology the first and only Negotiating Network.  We are not a buying group.  We do not pre-purchase the hearing aids and mark them up 100-110% and then turn around and sell them to our members.  This allows us to represent accounts from all over the country (just like buying groups); however, we use that unification only towards cost of goods…not for Alpaca’s own profitability.   This results in lower and lower cost of goods for members, which only brings more members to the cause.

Q:  Speaking of profitability, how does Alpaca make money if it is free to members?

A:  Alpaca receives rebates from manufacturers based on the business done by the collective membership.  Some of the rebates are dispersed to members in order to reduce cost of goods further, and the rest pays for the operational expenses of Alpaca.  There are no costs or hidden fees to members in order to join Alpaca.  Also, there is no mark up or inflation to our members; as we’ve grown over the past few years our members have continued to benefit from improved pricing and also receive discounts on many more vendors as well.

Q:  Why hasn’t the “Costco-like” pricing been cracked for independent Audiology?

A:  Because there has never been an organization that combines the benefits of direct purchasing with collective power.  Traditional buying groups have failed at allowing members to be competitive with big box stores by keeping cost of goods so high.  Alpaca Audiology was developed as a direct response to the pricing of big box stores, third-party insurance, and manufacturer owned retail.  Our goal is simply to make private practices, ENT clinics, hospitals, and universities more profitable through doing nothing more than collective purchasing.   With Alpaca, account numbers do not change and business practices do not change.  The only difference is that for the first time in years, our members are working smarter instead of harder.  They benefit from accounts from all over the country and that lowers their cost of goods.

Q:  What manufacturers do you currently work with?

A:  We currently have relationships with Phonak, ReSound, and Widex.  We also have a multitude of vendors that we work with as well including Oaktree Products, Westone, and Sycle.

 Q:  If interested how does someone join Alpaca?

A:  The process is incredibly simple.  They can reach out via our website: and fill out a request for information and pricing.  Members can join for one or all of our manufacturers and vendors.  Either way our organization and services are 100% free.

Joe AldenJoe Alden, AuD is a Partner at Alpaca Audiology serving the role as Vice President of Sales. He earned a Bachelor of Science degree from Elmhurst College in 2007 and an AuD from Northwestern University in 2010.  Dr. Alden worked as a professional trainer for InSound Medical until the company was purchased by Sonova.  From there, he assumed the role of territory manager at Phonak where his responsibilities included management of sales, marketing and training of Lyric in the Midwest. Dr. Alden joined Alpaca Audiology since May 2015 and currently resides in St. Louis, MO. Check out the entire Alpaca Audiology Team here.

Posted in Audiology, Guest Blog Posts | Tagged , , , , | 5 Comments

A Few Good Otoscopes

otoscope solutions-bulbAs a woman, I personally don’t need an entire arsenal of really great shoes but, at the end of the day, I need to have at least two to three go-to shoes.  As an audiologist, I never needed a thousand different otoscopes but I always benefited from having a handful of available otoscopes for my different needs including a pocket, a full size, and a video otoscope.  The otoscope is an essential tool for any serious audiologist and there is no shame in having two or three different otoscopes on hand readily available.  It is certainly an individual choice in terms of what is really needed on a daily basis.  To help make this decision easier, Oaktree Products has compiled and comprehensive library of information for audiologists in the new Otoscope Solutions section of their website.

otp greenCurious what the most popular otoscopes are as a function of need?  Be sure to check out the Most Popular portion of the Otoscope Solutions section of the Oaktree Products website.  There, you will gain insight as to the most popular otoscope as a function of need. If you want to compare features of pocket vs full size vs video otoscopes, check out the tables to figure out which product makes the most sense.  Rely on this resource to read up on the otoscope basics to fully understand what you are paying for prior to making a commitment. Looking for parts? The Parts and Accessories section adressing pocket, full size, and video otoscopes makes it very easy for you to ensure you order exactly what you need.  Want to share with the Audiology Universe as to your favorite go-to-otoscope? Share your insights using #AskOaktree on social media channels including Facebook and Twitter. not a social media guru just yet? You can always call customer service toll-free at 800.347.1960 or email customer service at  We would love to hear what you have to say.


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What is #AskOaktree?

hashtagFor those of you following my blog and/or for those of you who are awesome customers of Oaktree Products, you may have noticed the use of #AskOaktree in recent blog posts, Facebook posts, and/or Twitter feeds. According to Nancy  Steinbrecher of Accounting at Oaktree Products, this event has been referred to as “pound sign Ask Oaktree” (lol).  In all seriousness though, what does that hashtag really mean?

Oaktree logocircle-1Oaktree Products is a multi-line distributor of hearing health care products serving as a resource to the audiology community. On a daily basis, Oaktree Products handles calls from audiologist seeking a wide range of  business and/or communication solutions. There are a number of questions fielded by our customer service team every day that may not necessarily be made readily accessible for others to benefit from when they come across the same situations.  When you need information about products, communication options, or business solutions related to your clinical practice or patient needs, reach out to us on Facebook, Twitter, and/or email ( using #AskOaktree and we will offer you the most up-to-date information so that you can make the most informed decision. We look forward to hearing from you!

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The Eagle Has Landed Again!

00306-BA new hearing instrument dehumidifier showcasing an eagle with an American flag backdrop is now available exclusively from Oaktree Products. The patriotic design was created by the artistically talented Nicole Borg, a customer service representative employed at Oaktree Products since 2013. The passive dehumidifier is and effective and economical way for patients to protect their hearing instrument investment from damaging moisture. It comes equipped with a  patented desiccant than can easily be activated in the microwave as needed.  The Patriotic jar (item# 00306) is portable and large enough to accommodate two BTEs. It is sure to be hit with your patients! Let us know what you think by posting your comments on the Oaktree Products Facebook Page. Way to go Nicole Borg!


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